What is Thor‘s Blood Payment in God of War Ragnarök?

As an avid gamer and content creator, I want to provide a comprehensive, in-depth look at the lore behind Thor‘s blood payment referenced in the latest God of War game, Ragnarök. This article will analyze its meaning, link to wider themes, and significance for both Thor and Kratos as characters. Read on for a complete breakdown!

Defining the Blood Payment

In God of War: Ragnarök, Thor refers to his confrontation with Kratos as a "blood payment." This stems from an archaic Norse legal concept of weregild – also known as man price. As we‘ll explore, this establishes a form of compensation for crimes committed against one‘s kin.

"I‘m owed weregild – a blood debt." – Thor to Kratos

But what exactly is weregild in Old Norse society? Here‘s an overview:

  • Standardized system for placing monetary value on human life
  • Served primarily as compensation payment by offender (or family)
  • Made to victim‘s family for injuries/deaths caused
  • Alternative to family-driven blood feuds/vendettas

Weregild sought to halt cycles of retributive violence between tribes using financial restitution. But in Thor and Kratos‘ case – immortal god vs legendary warrior – their clash serves as the "price."

The Blood Debt in God of War Lore

In God of War universe backstory, Kratos killed Thor‘s sons Magni and Modi in the prior game. So in Ragnarök, Thor seeks weregild from Kratos for their deaths – sparking their fated battle.

"You took my children. I will take something from you in return." – Thor to Kratos

Several times Thor goads Kratos to unleash his rage-fueled Spartan side during their duel. For the Norse god, drawing out Kratos‘ Ghost of Sparta persona pays the blood price by taking something non-material.

"Where is the Ghost of Sparta? That‘s who I wish to meet." - Thor

But the blood debt serves symbolic purpose, providing emotional closure, rather than financial compensation. Their fight lets Thor avenge his sons, while transforming Kratos‘ outlook.

Broader Themes Around Cycles of Violence

This blood payment concept feeds into Ragnarök‘s wider narrative themes. Kratos struggles to restrain his rage-driven past to be a father, while Thor continues an endless cycle of violence.

Their confrontation highlights how blood debts, vengeance, and retaliation perpetuate hatred between families – or in this case, rival godly pantheons.

"Who begins this cycle of violence?" – Kratos to Freya on vengeance

In this way, their fated duel serves almost as a dark parody of weregild‘s intention in Old Norse society – to limit inter-familial blood feuds.

Why Does This Fight Matter?

Beyond the personal blood price, this legendary matchup of Thor vs Kratos has deeper resonance.

It represents the epic collisions of Norse and Greek worlds long foretold in both mythologies Ragnarök and prophecy of the "twilight of the gods." Two towering figures must clash as part universe-shaping events.

God of War Franchise Sales Figures:

- Original trilogy (PS2): 21M+ units
- God of War (2018, PS4): 23M+ units 
- Ragnarök expected to break records

For long-time franchise fans, Thor serves as the ultimate personification of Kratos‘ internal struggle between past and present. Their fated showdown delivers massive anticipation payoff from setup in the prior game.

Meanwhile, Ragnarök‘s secret ending hints their mythical battle carries over into a new generation…

But exploring that would veer into spoiler territory! Let‘s just say for any gamer, God of War: Ragnarök and the lore behind Thor‘s blood payment makes for an epic modern addition to Norse legends.

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