What is Toothless‘s Girlfriend‘s Name in How to Train Your Dragon?

As a passionate How to Train Your Dragon fan, one of the most common questions I see is "what is Toothless‘s girlfriend‘s name?" While she doesn‘t have an official name, fans have come to call this mysterious Light Fury dragon "Luna" or simply "Light." After deep diving into DreamWorks canon and the fan community, let me share everything we know about Toothless‘s mate and the significance of their unique cross-species relationship.

Introducing the Light Fury Species

Toothless‘s girlfriend is a Light Fury, first introduced in the 2019 film How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. Light Furies are extremely rare dragons that are closely related to Night Furies like Toothless.

Key Traits of Light Furies:

  • Covered in shimmering, white iridescent scales that allow them to camouflage themselves in any light environment. This is contrasted by the black scales of Night Furies that camouflage in darkness.

  • Powerful blasts of blue fire breath (vs. the purple blasts of Night Furies)

  • Incredible speed and agility in flight, potentially even faster than a Night Fury over long distances.

  • Intelligent and cunning hunters, yet fiercely protective of their families.

  • Requires large amounts of fish to sustain their high-energy lifestyle.

  • Lifespan and maturation rate is unknown, but likely similar to Night Furies.

How Light Furies Differ from Night Furies:

  • Physically lighter build, no retractable teeth, and blue fire breath instead of purple.

  • More adept at blending into lighter environments than the darkness-camouflaged Night Furies.

  • Possess superior stamina and can fly long distances at high speeds.

  • Prefer brighter, sunlit habitats versus the night-shrouded dwellings of Night Furies.

So in summary, the Light Fury is a closely related but distinct species to the Night Furies, with some cool unique attributes of their own. But both share qualities like intelligence, speed, protectiveness, and powerful fiery breath attacks.

The Hidden World Courtship Ritual

The Light Fury first comes across Toothless after he leaves Berk and discovers the ancestral home of dragons known as the Hidden World in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. Here, Toothless finally encounters another Night Fury – except it‘s actually the Light Fury! She is hesitant to trust Toothless initially.

To win her affections, Toothless tries to impress her with an elaborate mating ritual dance. According to director Dean DeBois, they based Toothless‘s moves on studying real mating rituals of birds of paradise and other animals. The Light Fury is eventually won over by Toothless‘s tenacity.

"The Light Fury, being a little more intelligent than the average dragon, makes Toothless work for her attention." – Dean DeBois, Director

This moving courtship sequence between the two rare dragons is a pivotal moment for Toothless exploring a deeper intimacy beyond his past human companionship with Hiccup.

Becoming Mates and Parents

After choosing each other in the Hidden World courtship, Toothless and the Light Fury become mates and have three offspring together. Their three children are known as the "Night Lights" and include:

  • Dart – The only female, blue eyes, more adventurous like dad.
  • Ruffrunner – Green eyes, largest, bold but lazy.
  • Pouncer – Yellow eyes, aggressive, loves to explore.

According to DreamWorks canon, Dart is female while Ruffrunner and Pouncer are males. Despite having a Light Fury for a mother, the babies are black like Toothless, perhaps indicating Night Fury genes are dominant.

Raising these spirited Night Lights presents Toothless with his next challenge – becoming a father. And the Light Fury proves a fiercely protective mom, helping Toothless defend the nest and teach the children. Their bond deepens as they share the joys and struggles of parenthood in their hidden sanctuary.

The Significance of Their Relationship

So what does this budding romance between two rare dragons mean symbolically? Here are some of the key insights:

  • It shows Toothless is not the last Night Fury after all. He finds belonging with his own kind, thanks to the Light Fury. No longer the lone outsider.

  • Their unlikely cross-species bond highlights themes of connection across differences. They come from two tribes – Night Furies and Light Furies – but find common ground.

  • Having offspring allows Toothless to parent dragons of his own kind, instead of merely bonding with human companions like Hiccup.

  • The Light Fury brings Toothless increased status, maturity, and a new family dynamic in the Hidden World hierarchy.

  • Her trust in Toothless proves he is capable of intimacy, not just a wild beast. As director DeBlois stated: "She sees the gentle side of him"

So while the Light Fury remains mysterious in many ways, her relationship with Toothless is profoundly transformative for the heartsick Night Fury. She opens the door to love, belonging, and family – giving Toothless‘s story a fitting happier ending.

What Fans Have Named Her

While never officially named in DreamWorks canon, fans have come up with two popular nicknames for Toothless‘s mate:


This name comes from the Light Fury in the original How to Train Your Dragon book series. In the books, Toothless‘s mate is a Light Fury named Luna, described as growing as big as a mountain. Fans borrowed this book name for the movie Light Fury.


Many simply call her "Light" as a descriptive name referring to her shining white appearance and association with light environments. A simple but elegant fan name.

So while not canon, Luna and Light are the most popular fan terms of endearment for Toothless‘s mysterious girlfriend. Her lack of formal name maintains her elusive, almost legendary aura among fans.


In summary, the Light Fury is a pivotal figure that profoundly changes Toothless‘s destiny. Their unlikely pairing upends expectations, brings together opposites, and gives two of the last mythical dragons a second chance to love. While we may never know her true name, this dragoness left her mark by giving Toothless the family he had lost. For fans, it‘s a touching conclusion to the tale of a beloved Night Fury finding the love and belonging he long desired. We wish Toothless and his "Light" many happy years lighting up their little corner of the Hidden World!

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