What is Umbreon based of?

As an avid Pokémon fan, Umbreon has always been one of my personal favorites of Eevee‘s evolutionary forms. Its striking yet graceful black and yellow aesthetic immediately catches the eye. And the air of mystery surrounding its vague Pokédex entries hinting at connections to darkness and poison set my imagination ablaze.

But Umbreon‘s specific origins have been shrouded in some uncertainty over the years. Various sources cite potential inspirations ranging from animals like black cats and foxes, to Egyptian gods tied to the moon and underworld. Could Umbreon really be based on such vastly different concepts? Becoming an expert on this elusive Dark-type means diving deeper into the connections between these influences – both real and mythical – to uncover the nocturnal creature behind the design.

In this article geared towards fellow gamers and Pokémon enthusiasts, we‘ll scrutinize the common theories around Umbreon‘s origins. From dissecting its animal features to analyzing Egyptian iconography, even questioning scrapped plans for its typing, no stone will be left unturned in solving the mystery of this moonlight Pokémon!

A Silhouette of Black – Feline Inspirations

The most instantly recognizable inspiration is that of a black cat. Umbreon exudes the signature silhouette – slender body, rounded ears, sweeping tail, and large glow-in-the-dark eyes. These nocturnal hunters prowl under the cloak of night, much like Umbreon lurks in darkness to ambush prey.

Black cats also trigger superstitious beliefs across various cultures. In Western folklore, they symbolize bad luck, witchcraft, and even supernatural omens of misfortune or death. Considering Umbreon‘s ominous Pokédex entries denoting its poisonous sweat and connections to the moon, we clearly see similar mystical themes that channel black cat superstitions.

But the common house cat isn‘t Umbreon‘s only feline influence. The Egyptian cat goddess Bastet bears a striking resemblance. Depictions show Bastet sporting black fur and yellow jewelry while holding symbolic moon disc imagery. Compare those lunar elements to Umbreon‘s glowing yellow bands that flare under moonlight – certainly evoking the moon goddess iconography.

That said, Umbreon also brandishes vulpine traits that can‘t be ignored…

Fox Tails and Rabbit Ears – Canine Cues

While Umbreon‘s general outline harkens back to felines, its long bushy tail and prominent ears better match foxes and even rabbits. These canine features still align with nocturnal animals, but offer an alternative inspiration.

Let‘s talk about real-world foxes for a moment. The tamaskan breed provides an excellent case study with its thick black coat and fox-like appearance. In fact, they‘re often mistaken for black wolves. When observing Umbreon‘s shaggy fur, pointed ears, and sweeping tail, it‘s easy to picture a fantastical black tamaskan.

We must also examine the mythology behind the moon rabbit. Folk tales from Asia describe this celestial lagomorph pounding mochi on the moon. Interestingly, rabbits are seen as mystical creatures in Japanese media, capable of shape-shifting abilities just like Eevee‘s unstable genetics. So that legacy could provide some context for Umbreon‘s blend of mammalian parts.

Clearly Umbreon amalgamates aspects of black cats, foxes, and yes…even rabbits. But could Egyptian gods offer additional imagery linking these night creatures?

Death Deities and Dark Disciples – Egyptian Mythos Made Manifest

It‘s worth highlighting how Egyptian deities Bastet and Anubis intertwine with Umbreon‘s animal muses. As mentioned earlier, Bastet reigns as goddess of cats and the moon. Meanwhile, Anubis governs death and the afterlife – with a jackal‘s head representing his canine dominion.

Not only do Bastet and Anubis capture the dichotomy of feline grace and canine qualities seen throughout Umbreon‘s design…they similarly share themes of lunar power and ominous underworld energy resonating with Umbreon‘s Dark-type and unsettling Pokédex entries.

In fact, Anubis imagery has ties to the infamous tarot Moon card as well. Both depict two canine figures howling at a crescent moon. When you consider the Moon card represents illusion, dreams…even madness…it perfectly encapsulates Umbreon‘s mystique.between reality and fantasy.

So Bastet and Anubis let us bridge the physical animal aspects to more abstract spiritual and symbolic influences. But to grasp Umbreon‘s complete origins, we should also examine concepts that never manifested in the final design.

Origins of the Original Typing – Poison Pulsing Through Veins

Shockingly, evidence confirms Umbreon was first intended as a Poison-type! Traces still remain in Gold Version Pokédex entries mentioning toxic sweat. This revelation opens the door to even more animal inspirations.

What real-world creatures share pitch black coloration and poisonous attributes? Reptiles like black mambas and other venomous snakes come to mind. Or deadly amphibians such as the black jungle frog filled with poison. Similar toxic animals likely served as references when conceiving Poison-typed Umbreon drafts.

Had Umbreon remained a Poison-type, we may have seen more overt animal cues akin to Ekans or Croagunk. More reptilian eyes, banded patterns, cheek sacks, or sprinklings of purple alongside the signature black and yellow palette. But the last-minute Dark-tying paved the way for our beloved moonlight Pokémon to emerge.

Under the Cover of Night – Shrouded in Shadows and Secrets

Even with tangible connections spanning Egyptian deities to toxic wildlife…Umbreon‘s precise origins remain elusive as the shadows it lurks within.truly befits the Dark-type mystique. And as an passionate game analyst, I relish any opportunity to shine more moonlight on this cryptic yet striking Pokémon.

In peering behind the veil of mystery surrounding Umbreon‘s design inspirations, we uncovered traces of black cats, foxes, rabbits, gods, and poison. These influences churn together like the supernatural stew of Umbreon itself. Hopefully this sheds some light on the many complex facets creating an icon beloved by myself and Pokémon fans everywhere.

But the true magic lies in the unknowing. As gamers and trainers, the void between concrete evidence and whispered rumor allows our imaginations to run wild. So while we may never unravel all of Umbreon‘s secrets…perhaps that uncertainty only makes this Dark-type more wondrous.

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