What is Unbreakable in Dead by Daylight?

Unbreakable is a Bill Overbeck survivor perk that allows you to pick yourself up from the dying state once per trial. It‘s an extremely powerful ability that lets you take recovery into your own hands instead of relying on teammates.

How Unbreakable Works

When unlocked in Bill‘s Bloodweb and equipped in your loadout, Unbreakable grants you the following effects:

  • Ability to fully recover from dying state one time per trial – After being downed, recover on the ground until your recovery bar fills to stand back up, injured but not requiring a teammate to pick you up
  • 25/30/35% increased dying state recovery speed at tier 1, 2 and 3 – Greatly reduces time spent vulnerable on the ground

Here is the base dying state recovery speed, not counting Unbreakable‘s boost:

Recovery SpeedTotal Recovery Time
20 seconds80 seconds
With Tier 3 Unbreakable: 13 seconds52 seconds

As you can see above, Tier 3 Unbreakable allows you to fully recover almost 30 seconds quicker, while Tier 1 saves you around 15 seconds.

Why Bring Unbreakable?

Unbreakable sees high usage rates across all ranks, but is especially popular at higher skill levels according to statistics from The GameStat Browser:

Killer RanksUsage Rate

It‘s one of the most powerful and meta-defining solo survivor perks for several reasons:

  • Counters slugging killers who leave you to bleed out
  • Allows risky saves and escapes when exit gates powered
  • Can enable clutch moments to turn the tides late game
  • Strong recovery insurance if teammates struggle to reach your location
  • Forces killers to hook you before full recovery rather than pressuring gens

Additionally, Unbreakable has great synergy with the following perks:

  • Tenacity – Crawl up to 50% faster while recovering
  • Power Struggle – Stun killer after reaching 25% wiggle progress
  • Flip-Flop – Convert recovery progress into wiggle progress

Killer Strategies Against Unbreakable

As killers, it‘s essential we respect that survivors have the ability to self-recover once per trial. Here are some methods to counter or minimize value from Unbreakable:

  • Wait out the recovery timer – Don‘t immediately pick them up again, they likely still have Unbreakable if they don‘t use it
  • Juggle survivors – Go after other survivors to force their teammates to rescue them
  • Use recovery hindering add-ons – Black Incense for Plague, Tampered Timer for Pig etc.
  • Equip Deerstalker – Uncover dying survivor auras to monitor their self-recovery
  • Try not to over-commit to chases – Down them quicker to hook before Unbreakable can take effect

If you do see a survivor use Unbreakable, make a note to hook them ASAP next time you down them, as they no longer have that self-recovery as an option.

In Conclusion

Unbreakable continues to be popular years after its release due to its ability to create exhilarating clutch plays and counter oppressive slugging tactics. It single-handedly enables brave end-game saves and open exit gate escapes. For these reasons, Unbreakable earns its reputation as one of the best solo survivor perks in Dead by Daylight.

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