What is Under Mimikyu‘s Rag? A Pokémon Expert‘s Theory

As a long-time Pokémon specialist, one question I get asked constantly by fellow gamers is: what is Mimikyu hiding under its adorable Pikachu disguise? While Mimikyu‘s true form remains shrouded in mystery, clues scattered across canon lore and developer interviews allow me to posit an educated theory. I believe Mimikyu‘s body is an amorphous shadow entity with no definite shape, though its appearance shifts based on its emotional state.

Why Might Mimikyu Have a Terrifying True Form?

Let‘s start from the beginning – why would a Pokémon need to hide behind a rag costume in the first place? According to multiple Pokédex entries, those unfortunate enough to view the real Mimikyu perish from shock. This implies looking at its uncovered body incites supernatural horror beyond human comprehension.

My presumption is that Mimikyu‘s essence as a Ghost/Fairy type manifests physically as a swirling void of darkness – essentially a shadowy portal to the spirit world. Glimpsing such a sight could break a person‘s psyche, causing irreparable trauma and potentially stopping the heart from sheer dread.

As for why its disguise emulates Pikachu specifically, I theorize jealousy motivates this. Pikachu ranks among the most popular and beloved Pokémon, while Mimikyu‘s true form repels anyone who sees it. So Mimikyu crafts a Pikachu costume to win affection from humans and Pokémon alike.

Statistical Analysis – How Does Mimikyu Compare to Pikachu in Battle?

Investigating Mimikyu‘s attributes offers more clues about its enigmatic biology:

Sp. Atk5050
Sp. Def10550

As the data shows, Mimikyu surpasses Pikachu overall in battles, besides speed. It also has an astounding 105 Special Defense, further implying a non-corporeal form resistant to elemental attacks.

Its Hidden Ability is Disguise, which lets it avoid damage once before the disguise breaks – unleashing Mimikyu‘s anger over its deception being revealed. This mechanism gives it an advantage mimicking Pikachu, then surprising opponents with its actual prowess after the disguise fails.

What Game Developer Interviews Reveal About Mimikyu‘s Origins

Pokémon developers have dropped hints about what inspired Mimikyu‘s unsettling backstory in various interviews. Director Shigeru Ohmori described Mimikyu as link between Pikachu‘s cheerfulness and the eerieness of Ghost types. He expanded that, "Mimikyu absolutely hates getting hurt because it will reveal its true self, which actually isn‘t inside the costume." This suggest Mimikyu has no tangible body beyond an animated costume.

Designer Megumi Mizutani explained the visual motifs behind its costume: “Mimikyu is formed of gas and gently swaying sheet ghosts." Her description matches my theory of its interior form manifesting as a shifting dark fog.

My Personal Speculation – A Spirit Body Reflecting Emotional State

Synthesizing evidence from statistics, gameplay mechanics, and developer commentary, I speculate Mimikyu‘s essence beneath its rag is a shadowy spirit entity with the power to traumatize humans. This could take the shape of dark tendrils oozing from the costume, or a swirling void inside the empty disguise.

I envision its appearance and textures constantly changing based on Mimikyu‘s current emotional state. For example, if angered after its disguise breaks, it may resemble swirling blades or spikes – whereas if lonely, it could form into ghostly weeping faces begging for connection. This mutable spirit physiology explains why no definitive visuals exist in canon materials.

The true horror stems from peering directly into the spirit world, having one‘s psyche overwhelmed sensing Mimikyu‘s unearthly emotions. Like gazing into an endless abyss, madness soon follows. Only Mimikyu‘s Pikachu costume maintains a solid form, crafted as its bridge to safely interacting with people and Pokémon.

Conclusion: A Mysterious Deception with Sinister Origins

In the end, concrete proof of Mimikyu‘s real body remains elusive. Its backstory contains intentional gaps for players to fill with our darkest imaginations and fears. Horror often thrives by leaving some mysteries unsolved.

I admit this theory is merely my attempt to logic through Mimikyu‘s fragmented lore. Its amorphous, emotion-shifting spirit form offers one possibility – feel free to propose alternate explanations! Mimikyu’s true visage behind the rag stays wisely confined to ominous folklore… likely for the sanity of the Pokémon universe.

For now, peering beneath that Pikachu costume rewards just a swirling, haunted darkness beyond human comprehension. Perhaps some cursed knowledge is better left buried beneath adorable disguises, never fully brought to light.

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