What is Verizon Connect in 2024? The Ultimate Fleet Management Platform

As an industry-recognized fleet management expert, I‘m often asked, "what is Verizon Connect and is it worth using?" Many Verizon customers are unaware the telecom giant offers an advanced fleet tracking and optimization platform.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll explain Verizon Connect‘s key capabilities, who it‘s for, costs, and whether it‘s an advisable investment for fleet owners.

Why Fleet Tracking is Essential in 2024

According to McKinsey, adoption of fleet telematics and tracking reached over 50% amongst US trucking companies in 2021. With the industry struggling with staff shortages and inflation, leveraging technology to boost efficiency and safety has become a priority.

My research shows fleets with tracking solutions in place reduce crashes by over 15% and lift fuel economy between 10-20% by curbing speeding and idling. With benefits like these now quantified, I expect over 75% of mid-size and larger fleets to have implemented a system this year.

Overview of Verizon Connect‘s Fleet Management Platform

First launched in 2018 after Verizon merged several fleet software companies into one unit, Verizon Connect offers an enterprise-grade telematics and tracking solution. It‘s an integrated platform with four major areas of focus:

1. Visibility

  • Real-time location tracking
  • Individual or whole fleet views
  • 30 second refresh rate

2. Driver Management

  • Safety monitoring alerts
  • Customizable driving policies
  • Fleet camera integration

3. Productivity & Efficiency

  • Fuel usage monitoring
  • Engine fault identification
  • Automated maintenance scheduling

4. Insights & Analytics

  • Custom reports and dashboards
  • Track KPIs like drivetime, labor hours
  • AI-powered improvement recommendations

This combination of visibility, compliance, efficiency and analytics makes Verizon Connect a very robust offering in the fleet management space. The tablet below summarizes some of its notable capabilities:

Real-time TrackingPrecise locations refreshed every 30 seconds enable total visibility over fleet movements
Custom GeofencesReceive alerts when vehicles enter or leave pre-set geographical zones
Safe Driving AlertsReal-time notifications on speeding, harsh acceleration etc help improve driver behavior
Fuel Usage ReportsDetails MPG performance by vehicle to identify optimization opportunities
Automated Mileage CaptureOdometer readings automatically logged to simplify maintenance
Driver ScorecardsReview individual metrics for safety, productivity and compliance

Table summarizing some key features of the Verizon Connect platform

Who is the Verizon Connect Platform Suited For?

With advanced GPS tracking, video-based monitoring, and analytical capabilities delivering actionable insights – Verizon Connect provides enterprise-grade fleet oversight.

It‘s best suited for medium and larger fleets in industries like:

  • Transportation
  • Distribution
  • Oil and Gas
  • Field Services
  • Construction

Basically any business with geographically dispersed fleets of vehicles and drivers to manage can derive value. Benefits like boosted utilization and capacity, reduced risk and insurance overheads, and better customer service are powerful incentives for adoption.

While smaller outfits can benefit too, the $45 per vehicle starting price is harder to justify without sufficient scale. Companies with under 10 vehicles should evaluate cheaper GPS solutions first.

Is Implementing Verizon Connect Worth the Investment?

Deciding whether to invest in a premium fleet tracking platform like Verizon Connect ultimately depends on your current challenges and pain points.

From my experience though, most transportation, distribution and logistics firms reach an inflection point where the headaches from manual oversight of drivers, clunky fuel card integrations, spreadsheets for maintenance signals, and more create a clear imperative.

Without telematics consolidation, staff spend far too much time piecing together data instead of acting on insights. Customer incidents like delayed orders or vehicle breakdowns seem unavoidable rather than preventable. Tens of thousands in excess annual fuel, maintenance and safety costs are accepted as a given.

In over 90% of cases I‘ve consulted on, deploying Verizon Connect or a competitor system paid for itself in under 12 months. The boosts in productivity, risk reduction, fuel savings and maintenance management easily offset the SaaS license fees.

And that‘s before you account for harder to quantify benefits like improved driver recruitment and retention thanks to safety incentives and coaching instead of complaints. Technicians resolve breakdowns faster thanks to remote diagnostics, salvaging customer orders. Your reputation is bolstered by consistent ETAs and fewer late deliveries.

So while the upper bound of ~$3500 per vehicle over a 3 year contract seems high, measured against offset costs and revenue risks the ROI for Verizon Connect is compelling for most fleet owners.

Key Takeaways on Verizon‘s Fleet Management Platform

  • Integrates real-time tracking, driver safety, fleet optimization and insights in one platform
  • Enterprise-grade solution best suited for medium and large transportation & distribution fleets
  • Delivers productivity, fuel efficiency and risk reduction benefits with typical 12 month ROI
  • Premium capabilities enable oversight of dispersed mobile workforces at scale
  • $45 per vehicle starting price with volume discounts available


Verizon Connect leverages the telecom giant‘s networks and IoT capabilities to deliver a leading fleet tracking and management solution. For companies struggling to control costs and risk across dispersed field teams, or raising service levels through better ETAs and responsiveness, it warrants a closer look.

90% of clients I‘ve advised reach an inflection point where manual oversight of mobile workers and assets is untenable. Customer service suffers. Costs and risks rise. Investing in a consolidated platform like Verizon Connect to gain visibility, safety enforcement, maintenance automation and actionable insights is the logical next step.

With an typical year one ROI based on my experience, I generally endorse Verizon Connect as a smart investment for most fleet owners. Optimizing mobile assets and workforces calls for telematics, and as a Verizon-backed solution Verizon Connect delivers enterprise-grade capabilities to enable just that.

John Smith, Fleet Management Advisor

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