Viktor‘s real name is Eric Thompson

As an avid League of Legends player and Arcane enthusiast, one of the most common questions I see asked about Viktor is – what is his real name? After all, in the lore and show he is only ever referred to as "Viktor" or his title, "the Machine Herald".

Viktor in League of Legends

So to unambiguously clear this up first – Viktor‘s actual full name has never been revealed in any official League of Legends material to date. In the game and wider Runeterra universe, he is solely known as Viktor.

But that hasn‘t stopped fans from greatly speculating about his origins! Here‘s a quick primer on Viktor from the League lore:

  • Hails from the chemtech-fueled city of Zaun and had a challenging upbringing
  • Showed tremendous aptitude for tech invention from a young age
  • Pushed boundaries of hextech research, seeking to better peoples lives through technology
  • Strong willed and determined, but also arrogant and egotistical
  • Experimented on himself, replacing body parts to eliminate "weakness"
  • Now strives to achieve vision of the "glorious evolution" of technology and humankind

Theories Around Viktor‘s Backstory

Viktor‘s specific heritage and family history have never been covered, leading to lots of fan speculation. Many believe he was an orphan in Zaun‘s challenging environment, driving him towards self-reliance through technology.

Others theorize he may have had family ties to another existing Runeterran faction or region. For example, could he have Noxian lineage given some similarities to characters like Singed? Or ties to the frozen Freljord region?

Ultimately though, Viktor remains a man of mystery!

Viktor in Arcane

Riot‘s hit animated show Arcane provided an expanded look at Viktor‘s origins. Here he is portrayed as a bright, ambitious young inventor still honing his skills in Piltover before fully becoming "the Machine Herald".

In Arcane, Viktor is played by Canadian actor Eric Thompson. So while we don‘t know Viktor‘s true name in the lore, Eric Thompson is the face behind the Machine Herald on screen!

Some key story beats for Viktor in Arcane:

  • Partners with Jayce, a fellow inventive mind and Piltover native
  • Shows promise but struggles with lack of resources from snobby Piltover elites
  • Assisted by an aspiring young scientist named Sky who admires Viktor
  • Experiments on himself after being hospitalized, removing more emotions
  • Starts down darker path after falling out with former friend Jayce

Table Showing Viktor‘s Hextech Development Timeline

981Viktor arrives in Piltover begins tinkering with hextech
982Partners with Jayce Talis, starts gaining notoriety
983Creates first primitive augmentations on himself
984Severely injured after lab explosion, removes emotions

We can see even in his earlier Arcane days, Viktor showed interest in eliminating perceived "weaknesses" in himself through machinery.

Viktor‘s Portrayal & Fan Reactions

Fans have greatly praised Viktor‘s portrayal in Arcane, bringing more depth and nuance to the character. His ambitious drive, frustrated origins, and internal conflicts with Jayce have resonated strongly.

Many also love how Viktor takes action into his own hands – the augmentation scene where he performs self-surgery showed his determination. Memes of "Glorious Evolution Viktor" have spread far and wide!

Of course as a playable champion in League of Legends too, Viktor has always been popular for his battle mage gameplay. Many theorize after the positive reception to Arcane‘s portrayal, Viktor could receive an updated in-game model and lore moving forward.

Concluding Thoughts on Viktor

While Viktor‘s true name remains shrouded in mystery, Riot has allowed players a deeper look at the Machine Herald‘s origins and motivations than ever through Arcane.

We may not know the "man behind the machine" yet, but we now have a clearer picture of the experiences and conflicts that push Viktor towards an almost-fanatical view of a technologically "evolved" future where he believes weakness and human frailty will be eliminated.

I for one greatly look forward to seeing the tragic villain‘s continued portrayal! Will he reconcile with Jayce? Further his violent goals? Or have another change of heart? We will have to wait for future seasons of Arcane to find out!

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