V‘s True Identity in Cyberpunk 2077 – Vincent or Valerie?

Cyberpunk 2077‘s central figure, the mercenary known as V, remains an enigma in many ways. But through PLAYING the sci-fi RPG, their real full name can be uncovered – Vincent for a male V or Valerie for a female V. Yet this secret seldom gets revealed even to V‘s closest allies. This analysis dives deeper into V‘s hidden history and the significance of their concealed identity in Night City‘s dangerous shadow wars.

Why the Mystery?

Several theories may explain why V generally avoids sharing their real first name:

  • Protecting themselves – As a high-risk mercenary, concealment allows more anonymity for self-preservation
  • Traumatic history – Hinting at a difficult past, discarding their name signifies leaving that behind
  • Forging fresh bonds – Only those close to the "new" V can unlock their full self

Keeping history veiled generates mystery fitting the cyberpunk genre. Rache Bartmoss, the legendary netrunner, says:

"What counts is the legend, the name, like the eastern seaboard, or the Jeweled Coast, or the Sprawl. Give it a name and it‘s suddenly there, with an identity, secrets and dreams."

Not knowing V‘s origins makes them a blank slate avatar for players – an unknown reflecting back choices rather than a defined character with presets.

Origins & Background

While fleeting comments reference V‘s past, much remains uncertain. Their childhood unfolds differently based on whether V starts as a:

  • Street kid: Longtime native now striking against the system
  • Nomad: Fled disaster in Oklahoma as a youth to rebuild life
  • Corpo: Rose in Arasaka only to be cast out suddenly

This gateway to V‘s earlier days sets an initial lane then fades besides influencing how cynical/warm/calculated V interacts with Night City. Still the core mystery lingers – how did V become the lone figure navigating 2077‘s chaos?

Bonds Shaping Identity

Side adventures bringing V closure, thrills or heartache ultimately shape their personality as much as the main story. Relationships prove more enlightening than any dossier.

Panam Palmer – Their fling sparks camaraderie between outsiders questioning solos walking only their own path. But Panam comes to care for V beyond most fixers or joytoys.

Judy Alvarez – In protecting Judy and the Moxes from exploitation, V discovers meaning by fighting for their community over random eddies.

Even Johnny Silverhand respects V enough by the end to open up about mistakes in his legendary, flawed life.

"In the end, all that matters is how you walk through this world. What mark you leave on it, and the people you shared it with."

So V‘s real name, while intriguing background, pales next to how V‘s choices shape themselves and Night City ultimately.

The Name‘s Significance?

Is there symbolism then in the secret names Vincent or Valerie being revealed? They break gender norms slightly to fit cyberpunk. Vincent has Latin roots meaning "to conquer" – fitting male V‘s climatic showdown with Arasaka. By contrast, early Christian martyr Valerie more matches female V‘s sacrifice to protect her loved ones.

Maybe the names nod to V triumphing against or submitting to destiny in the game‘s final arcs while their history holds mysteries yet to uncover in any DLC…Or perchance the names stand insignificant compared to how the player forges V‘s cyberpunk identity through RAW GAMEPLAY and CHOICES .

Either way, as Johnny Silverhand tells it:

"Here and now it‘s always that time in between, when the old world‘s been knocked down and the new one isn‘t built yet."

Without any preset future as its customizable central hero, Cyberpunk 2077 promises being the best ride yet for bold mercs like V ready to blaze their own trails through Night City‘s wild frontiers.

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