What is Web Scraping? The Definitive Guide for 2023

In today‘s digital age, data is more valuable than ever before. Companies of all sizes rely on data to guide their strategies, understand their customers, and stay ahead of the competition. One of the most powerful ways to collect this data is through web scraping.

Web scraping enables organizations to automatically extract large amounts of publicly available information from websites and use it to fuel their business intelligence. But what exactly is web scraping, how does it work, and what challenges and best practices are involved?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about web scraping in 2023 and beyond. Whether you‘re completely new to the concept or looking to level up your existing web scraping operations, read on to become an expert in this increasingly critical field.

What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping is the process of using bots to extract content and data from a website. Unlike screen scraping, which only copies pixels displayed onscreen, web scraping extracts underlying HTML code and, with it, data stored in a database. The scraper can then replicate entire website content elsewhere.

Web scrapers typically take something out of a page, to make use of it for another purpose somewhere else. An example would be finding and copying names and phone numbers, companies and their URLs, or product details and prices from a website into a spreadsheet or local database.

While web scraping can be done manually, in most cases, automated tools are preferred when scraping web pages. Automated web scraping tools and software work in a rather simple but also complex way. To put it simply, there are two parts: a web crawler and a web scraper. The web crawler is the horse, and the scraper is the chariot. The crawler leads the scraper, as if it were pulling it along, through the internet to the destinations the user has specified.

How Web Scrapers Extract Data

When a scraper needs to scrape a site, first the URLs are provided. Then it loads all the HTML code for those sites and a more advanced scraper might even extract all the CSS and Javascript elements as well. Then the scraper obtains the required data from this HTML code and outputs this data in the format specified by the user. Mostly, this is in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file but the data can also be saved in other formats such as a JSON file.

Types of Web Scrapers

There are a few different types of web scrapers that developers use to extract data:

  • Custom scripts: These are code snippets or programs written by developers in languages like Python, Ruby or PHP to extract only specific pieces of data from targeted pages.
  • Browser extensions: Simple web scraping tools that can be installed as browser plugins, usually with an easy-to-use interface for grabbing page elements.
  • Software applications: Standalone desktop programs that include advanced scraping features and scheduling capabilities.
  • Cloud-based services: Fully-managed, cloud-hosted web scraping tools and platforms that handle the infrastructure and rotating proxies behind the scenes.

Why Companies Use Web Scraping

So now we know what web scraping is and how it works at a high level. But you might be wondering, what kinds of things do companies actually use web scraping for? As it turns out, there are many reasons why organizations in nearly every industry rely on web scraped data to gain an edge.

Let‘s look at some of the most common web scraping use cases:

Price and Product Monitoring

In the e-commerce world especially, businesses need to keep careful tabs on their competitors‘ pricing and product assortment. Web scraping tools can automatically pull this data from competitors‘ sites to allow for easy comparisons and analysis.

Lead Generation

Finding potential customers and their contact details used to be a tedious manual process. Web scraping has transformed lead generation by enabling companies to automatically collect names, email addresses, phone numbers and other details from the web.

Market Research

To stay on top of industry trends, companies use web scrapers to collect data about their market and audience. This might include pulling public social media or forum posts to analyze what customers are saying.

Sentiment Analysis

Going a step further, web scraped data is often mined for sentiment analysis to gauge public opinion about a company, product or topic. AI and machine learning models can determine whether mentions are positive, negative or neutral.

Other Use Cases

The applications for web scraping are nearly endless. A few other examples include:

  • Monitoring news for mentions of a brand
  • Aggregating job postings
  • Pulling public records data
  • Extracting data for academic research
  • Analyzing search engine results

How Web Scraping Works

Now that we understand what web scraping is used for, let‘s dive a bit deeper into the technical details of how web scrapers actually work their magic.

Connecting to Websites

The first step in any web scraping workflow is connecting to the websites you want to extract data from. For simple, static pages, the scraper can use an HTTP library to download the HTML source code.

More complex, dynamic sites may require a full browser environment. In this case, the scraper instructs a headless browser to load and render the page like a human visitor.

Parsing and Extracting Data

Once the page source has been acquired, the scraper parses the HTML or DOM tree to extract the desired data based on patterns or selectors defined by the user. This is typically done using regex, XPath, or CSS selector syntax.

Data scraped from pages is often unstructured, so additional parsing and cleansing may be required before it can be used or analyzed. The transformed data is then exported into standard formats like CSV or JSON.

Crawling Multiple Pages

Many scraping projects require data that is spread across many pages of a site or even multiple sites. In these cases, the scraper must first crawl the target sites by following links to discover all the URLs it needs to visit.

The crawling and scraping processes work together recursively—each new page is parsed and scraped, and additional URLs are identified to add to the queue.

Running Scrapers

After a scraper has been built, it can be run in a few different ways depending on the project requirements:

  • Locally: Running a scraper script or tool on your own machine
  • On a server: Deploying the scraper on a server or cloud platform to run on a schedule
  • In the cloud: Using a fully-managed web scraping service to handle the infrastructure

Web Scraping Challenges

While web scraping is a powerful technique, it does come with its fair share of challenges. Many websites are understandably protective of their data and put measures in place to prevent unwanted scraping.

IP Address Blocking

One of the most common defenses against web scraping is IP address blocking. Servers can detect when a scraper is making a large number of requests in a short period of time and automatically block that IP.

CAPTCHAs and Other Bot Detection

Many sites use CAPTCHAs or advanced bot detection techniques to block scraper traffic that appears suspicious or outside normal human behavior. Bypassing these can require machine learning and computer vision techniques.


Scrapers may also run into issues with sites that block or limit traffic from certain countries. Some websites display different content to visitors based on their geographic location.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Aside from technical hurdles, web scraping also presents some legal and ethical challenges. While scraping public data is generally allowed, many sites have terms of service that expressly prohibit automated access. Copyright laws may also come into play for certain types of content.

How Proxies Can Help

One of the most important tools for overcoming many technical web scraping challenges is using proxies. A proxy acts as an intermediary IP address that a scraper can use to send requests without revealing its true origin.

By rotating requests through a pool of proxies, web scrapers can avoid rate limits and IP bans. Choosing proxies in different locations can also help circumvent geo-blocking.

There are a few main types of proxies used for web scraping:

Datacenter Proxies

These proxies come from secondary corporations and not from an ISP. Usually datacenters have high-powered servers and large amounts of bandwidth, making them fast and stable for web scraping.

Residential Proxies

As the name suggests, residential proxies are IP addresses attached to physical locations. They are harder to detect and block than datacenter IPs because they are legitimate addresses tied to real ISPs.

When choosing a proxy provider for web scraping, be sure to evaluate the size and diversity of their proxy pool, their IP rotation capabilities, and their experience serving scraping use cases.

Web Scraping Best Practices

To ensure your web scraping efforts are successful and stay on the right side of ethical lines, follow these best practices:

  • Always respect robots.txt and a website‘s terms of service
  • Set a reasonable request rate to avoid overloading servers
  • Only scrape publicly available data, never anything behind a login
  • Avoid collecting copyrighted content or personal information
  • Use the website‘s API instead of scraping whenever one is available

The Future of Web Scraping

As the web continues to evolve and new technologies emerge, web scraping will likely evolve along with it. Advances in machine learning and natural language processing may unlock powerful new applications for web scraped data.

At the same time, websites will continue to develop more sophisticated bot detection and blocking techniques, requiring scrapers to find new methods of acquiring the data they need. Look for proxy technology, headless browser platforms, and AI-powered scraping tools to keep pace.

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about web scraping? Check out these helpful resources:

  • ScrapingHub‘s Beginner‘s Guide to Web Scraping
  • ParseHub‘s Web Scraping Tutorial
  • Octoparse‘s List of Web Scraping Tools
  • Scraper API‘s State of Web Scraping Report


Web scraping is a powerful way for businesses to extract valuable, actionable data from the internet. By automatically collecting information from multiple sources, companies can make data-driven decisions, automate their processes, and gain a competitive edge.

However, web scraping also comes with significant technical and ethical challenges. To be successful, developers must find ways to avoid IP blocking and CAPTCHAs while still respecting each website‘s terms of service and copyrights. Using a combination of proxies and scraping best practices is essential.

As the web continues to expand, the demand for web scraped data will only continue to grow. Organizations that can master the art and science of web scraping will be well poised to thrive in 2023 and beyond.

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