Xiao‘s Full Name is Alatus

As an avid Genshin Impact gamer and lore aficionado, few characters intrigue me more than the brooding, brutalized adeptus known as Xiao. After endless spiral abyss runs with him by my side, I felt compelled to unravel the secrets of his enigmatic origin story. Every scrap of lore and official media I consumed only left me with more questions – who was Xiao before he donned his fearsome exorcist mask? What does his adeptus name Alatus really mean? Is the Vigilant Yaksha still haunted by his past or has he found a new purpose with Liyue‘s current archon?

In this myth-busting deep dive into Xiao‘s shadowy history, I‘ll reveal insider information about:

  • His life as Yaksha Alatus before his fall
  • The unnamed god behind his descent into depravity
  • Cultural and numerological significance behind his new moniker
  • His present-day role defending Liyue from demonic forces

If you want the full truth about one of Tevyat‘s most dangerous warriors, then strap in for this wild ride into the Vigilant Yaksha‘s past!

Xiao‘s Origin: Leader of the Five Yakshas

Alatus (Xiao)LiyueAnemoOver 2000 years

In ancient times, Liyue teemed with gods and malevolent entities who warred continuously, resulting in a crisis of accumulating vengeful energy and dying curses. To combat this threat, the Geo Archon Morax manifested five ferocious beast-warriors called the Yakshas to slaughter these enemies and absorb the corrosive darkness into themselves.

The first and most formidable of these five was Alatus – meaning "winged" in Latin – a bloodthirsty force of nature on the battlefield. Relentlessly cutting down both gods and demons, he rapidly became Morax‘s most trusted warrior, dispatching entire armies alone if commanded. His terrifying power awed friend and foe alike…but it came at a great cost (more on that later).

![Xiao Yaksha](https://i.imgur.com/XiaoYaksha.jpg)

Xiao as the Yaksha Alatus (credit: Genshin Impact wiki)

So why name him Alatus? Numerology holds significance for adepti like Xiao. His original title references the six-winged Seraphim angels from Abrahamic lore, hinting at the herculean burden placed upon him. Indeed, Alatus tirelessly slew Morax’s enemies despite the tremendous karmic debt accumulating within his corrupted spirit…

But that was not his only name…

Enslavement by an Evil God

At the height of his carnage, the Yaksha Alatus was ambushed and captured by an unnamed evil god. This cunning entity ruthlessly exploited Alatus, using occult means to subjugate his will and possess his body like a puppet. A proud, noble warrior reduced to a ravening monster against his volition – it must have been sheer, unending torture!

Forced to relive his worst nightmares over and over, Alatus could only watch helplessly as his hands slaughtered countless innocents across the land, feasting on their dreams and leaving twisted husks in his wake. By the time he regained some measure of self-control, it was far too late. All of Liyue reviled him as a traitor and devourer of souls…none more so than himself.

This appalling period of servitude to an evil god almost shattered Alatus completely. Little wonder Xiao even now refuses to speak of these events or confront the lingering darkness in his past. Nonetheless, for those intrigued by historical mysteries, that unnamed god‘s identity makes for scintillating speculation! Could it have been one of The Seven‘s more morally-ambiguous members? Or an entire extra deity excised from the original seven‘s ranks? Regardless of their motives, freeing Xiao from such relentless cruelty remains one of Morax‘s most honorable deeds…

The Meaning Behind the Name Xiao

Xiao thus represents Alatus’ long-awaited liberation after enduring prolonged enslavement. Like a phoenix rising renewed from tormented ashes, his new moniker symbolizes the broken Yaksha’s reformulation as Liyue’s steadfast guardian.

But it holds numerological significance too! Xiao (魈) comprises the Chinese radicals for demon and little. His name Embodies how adepti like Xiao, despite wielding great power, remain ultimately beholden to human ambitions instead of their own.

Yet Xiao now double-down on defending Liyue‘s people despite barely understanding them. Perhaps his name thus signifies one who despite monstrous origins chooses humanity‘s needs over personal freedom or redemption.

AlatusWinged (Latin)
XiaoDemon + little (Chinese hanzi)

Indeed, having endured the violation of enslavement once before, Xiao refuses to relinquish his hard-won autonomy ever again. Instead he has become one of Liyue’s most stalwart protectors despite lacking the Geo Archon‘s guidance. Speaking of which…

Xiao‘s Present Role in Liyue

PeriodRole & History
Archon War EraYaksha Alatus, bane of gods & demons
Enslavement EraForced to slaughter innocents
Present DaySole surviving Yaksha, defending Liyue

Now the last of the five Yakshas, Xiao continues resisting the karmic corruption slowly consuming his soul. He tirelessly battles Liyue’s lingering demonic spirits and vengeful ghosts despite lacking his former godly master’s divine protection.

While still associated with The Seven, Xiao remains ambivalent towards Rex Lapis’ interim successor. Instead he fights ceaselessly to uphold the Geo Archon’s sacred duty of protecting Liyue regardless of era or incarnation. Name or face matters not to Xiao – only the steadfast commitment to that singular, noble calling left to him by his first master. How utterly loyalty, for one betrayed so terribly before!

Yet the stoic, brooding vigilant Yaksha suffers still. His formidable powers now sustained entirely by his own will, the creeping erosion of karma threatens to subsume his very existence…

A Bright Dawn Ahead?

Fortunately, Xiao need not shoulder this apocalyptic burden alone indefinitely. Heartwarming fan art of him accepting almond tofu from appreciative Liyue citizens hints at him rediscovering camaraderie and compassion. Slowly but surely, could Xiao forge new friendships to help withstand his karmic tribulations? Will he ever share a deeper bond in the future to truly exorcise his inner demons?

For that answer dear reader, we must all play through Xiao‘s upcoming story quest! The possibilities leave me giddy with anticipation…

So now you know the real truth behind Genshin‘s most enigmatic Yaksha! His original name, his unknown tormenter, why he fights – all the darkest secrets behind that brooding mask revealed right here! If you adore Xiao‘s character as much as I do, then spread the word about this insightful deep dive! Also comment if you crave more juicy lore articles in the future dear reader! Till next time!

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