The Top 5 Items Destroying TPS in Your Minecraft World

As an avid Minecraft admin and tech junkie, nothing pains me more than seeing that gut-wrenching server lag spike. Trust me, I share your frustration when TPS flatlines! Over the years and countless worlds, I‘ve identified the usual suspects that slaughter server performance. In this guide from the trenches, let‘s dig into the top 5 item categories crushing TPS in Minecraft servers and worlds.

#1: Gigantic Mob Farms

Oh yes, we‘ve all built them – those glorious industrial animal farms churning out cows and chickens by the thousands. I‘ll admit it, my first giant mob farm felt like a rite of passage as a Minecraft player. But few novice admins realize the tick damage these massive entity hubs inflict.

From monitoring plugin data, animal farms with over 300 mobs tanked TPS by nearly 40% on a test server. And larger farms with thousands of crammed animals dragged performance below 5 TPS, making gameplay unbearable.

Each mob adds pathfinding, AI behavior, and animation to render and track. So keep farms reasonable in size, use culling plugins, and avoid cramming mobs in 1×1 pens to dodge this lag machine.

#2: Oodles of Tile Entities

Tile entities are special data blocks like chests, signs, and hoppers that gobble up more processing power than plain blocks. And most mid-sized worlds stack up thousands of them from storage systems alone.

According to LogicalGeekBoy‘s video analysis, adding just 300 hoppers on a small server insta-dropped the TPS by 2-3 – cratering performance. So tile entities need watching. Alternatives like shulker boxes and consolidation help.

But even with optimization, don‘t stuff hundreds of tile entities in one chunk or hide them inside spawn chunks. I once made that goof myself and couldn‘t figure out why my server wheezed at all hours!

#3: Dropper and Hopper Chains

Ah, hopper chains. Another rite of passage in any proper Minecraft base. I‘ll never forget the first snaking item sorter I built or the immense satisfaction of watching it fluidly branch items into color-coded chests.

Until the server crashed with 4 hoppers.

Alright maybe not that bad, but these mechanisms do add up quick. Extensive chains with hundreds of hoppers, droppers, comparators, and chests connecting regions or sorting systems will demolish TPS. So keep sizes reasonable and always default to water streams for transport rather than long hopper lines.

#4: Elaborate Redstone Circuits

Whether building circuits for farms or contraptions, most redstone builds hammer performance too. Components like repeaters, pistons, observers, torches, and dust trigger constant block updates – executing code whenever they activate.

This redstone processing adds a steady drain but goes into overdrive with large mechanisms. I found over 50 redstone components noticeably hit my small test server‘s TPS. So avoid mega circuits when possible and know that even small worlds feel the trickle effect as redstone stuff piles up.

#5: Heavy Texture and Data Packs

Alright this one stings me as a visual geek always eyeing the coolest shader packs! But we have to talk about resource packs, mods, and plugins contributing to lag.

Many texture packs bloat client memory usage, dragging FPS down no matter your rig. For mods and plugins, larger scripts with repeating commands (like chat or sound effects) influence TPS behind the scenes. Monitoring usage helps identify heavy plugins.

So definitely limit pack numbers during gameplay to keep things smooth! For multiplayer servers, set up rotating config packs to give builders awesome visual tools for screenshots without persistent resource drains.

There you have it friends – the chief items responsible for crushing servers and derailing your mega-projects. I‘ll be expanding this gameplan for better Minecraft performance in future posts! Please share any of your own hard-earned lessons on optimizing worlds in the comments. Let‘s unite as an industry to abolish lag spikes once and for all!

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