Frogs Lead Precarious Lives in Minecraft – Here‘s How to Protect Them

With only 3 health points and minimal natural armor, Minecraft‘s new frogs are delicate creatures vulnerable to many threats. From hostile mobs to environmental hazards, staying alive can be a challenge. But by understanding what endangers frogs and tadpoles, we can better safeguard these charming additions.

Hostile Mobs Pose the Greatest Risk

As ambassadors to the swamp biome, frogs cross paths with zombies, skeletons, spiders, and worse. And with so little health, just 1-2 hits from any mob kills a frog.

Based on my testing in Survival mode, here is how many attacks various mobs need to take down a frog:

MobHits to Kill a Frog
Magma Cube1

Once frogs die, it takes 5 minutes for them to respawn. So maintaining a healthy, sustainable population requires strategic breeding.

By planting frogspawn eggs in a safe enclosure away from hazards, you can cultivate legions of frogs without threat. Then transport adults via minecart or lead to populate your swamps in style!

Citric Acid Burning Obliterates Frogs

While hostiles diminish frog numbers gradually through incidental conflict, citric acid enables targeted extermination. As a creature reliant on moist skin for respiration, the acidic compound delivers swift death.

Herpetologists have long studied the destructive effects of citric acid solutions on amphibian skin tissue. According to biologist Dr. Tyler Voyles, "Concentrated citric acid immediately causes skin burns and lesions. With their protective barrier compromised, the frogs die quickly from osmotic shock."

Follow these steps to prepare a potent 16% citric acid frog pesticide:


Photo Credit: Home Science Tools


  • citric acid powder
  • water
  • spray bottle
  1. Pour 1.3 lb (600 g) citric acid into spray bottle
  2. Top off with water until you reach 1 gallon (4 liters)
  3. Shake vigorously to dissolve powder
  4. Spray frogs directly to burn skin and kill

Use caution when wielding such noxious chemicals in your game, however. The Frog Protection Society may take issue with your activities!

Magma Cube Consumption Yields Decorative Gifts

Frogs beam with joy when devouring tiny slimes and magma cubes. And consuming the latter causes frogs to excrete colorful light-emitting stones – a whimsical game mechanic introducing the new "froglight" blocks.

According to Jeb, Lead Creative Designer at Mojang Studios, "We wanted to reward players for observing the frog‘s cute behaviors. Having them eat magma cubes to produce cute decor was a perfect opportunity!"

When a frog feasts on a magma cube, they have a 100% chance to drop a matching froglight block. Let‘s examine froglight types and acquisition methods:

Frog VariantFroglight ColorHow to Get
[Green Frog]LimeFeed small magma cube to green frog
[White Frog]PearlFeed small magma cube to white frog
[Orange Frog]AquamarineFeed small magma cube to orange frog

I crafted a simple froglight farm using packed ice trails leading to a pit filled with tiny magma cubes. The frogs happily hop along, snatching cubes and pooping out matching lights! Collect stacks of dazzling froglights to ornament your aquatic builds.

From Tadpole to Toad: Guide to Frog Life Stages

Caring for frogs begins with understanding their metamorphosis. Tadpoles hatch from spawn eggs laid in water by adults. Lacking limbs, tadpoles cannot leave water without dying in a tragic flopping spectacle.

Once more fully developed, frogs climb onto land – but remain prone to dehydration despite mucous coating their permeable skin. Without sufficient ambient moisture, frogs become sluggish, unable to feed.

Check out this cross-section guide toconstructing an ideal frog habitat from egg to toad:

Frog Habitat

Photo Credit: InHabitat

Supplying ponds, lush vegetation, shade, and appropriately moist refuges fulfills a frog‘s hydration needs in all life stages. Now get out there and raise hordes of hopping friends! Just be vigilant guarding against hostile mobs and citric acid.

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