What Kills You in the Krypt in Mortal Kombat 11?

The Krypt in Mortal Kombat 11 is full of rewards, but also great dangers. As you explore the twisting passages and unlock treasures, you need to keep your wits about you, or you may fall victim to one of the many lethal threats. In this guide, we‘ll overview what you need to watch out for in the Krypt that can spell your doom.

Krypt Demons

While searching around in Kenshi‘s Blindfold vision, you may suddenly be attacked by a screaming demon. This enemy will grab you by the throat and explode your head if you don‘t react quickly enough. You can avoid death by either taking the blindfold off or swinging Shao Kahn‘s hammer. If you manage to kill the demon with the hammer, you‘ll actually get a reward. But react fast – their attacks come without warning!

Enemies and Traps

In addition to the blindfold demons, there are other enemies lurking in the Krypt. These include undead enemies that can mob and overrun you if you are careless. There are also plenty of traps like spike pits, crushing ceilings, and hidden blades that can impale you if you trip them. Tread carefully and keep an eye out. Health pickups are limited in the Krypt, so getting swarmed or hit by multiple traps likely means death.

The Dangerous Depths

As you delve deeper into the Krypt, greater dangers await. The corpses of legendary Mortal Kombat fighters contain treasures but may arise and attack if disturbed. Epic boss battles with the likes of Goro and Shao Kahn also await in the darkest recesses, powerful foes that will crush the unprepared. And the most lucrative rewards lie in the Kamidogu Vault, requiring you to brave poison gas and razor rings to claim them.

While the Krypt may seem full of wealth, don‘t let your greed overwhelm your good sense. Watch your step, keep your weapons and consumables at the ready, and you may survive to reap the rewards. But make one mistake, and you may join the piles of skeletons that litter the Krypt‘s deadly corridors!

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