What Legendaries are in Sword and Shield without DLC?

As a passionate Pokémon expert, I‘m often asked – "what legendaries can you catch in the base Sword/Shield games without buying any DLC?" It‘s a great question for newcomers eyeing these excellent Nintendo Switch titles!

Well, the Galar region‘s legendary trio consists of:

  • Zacian – The legendary wolf warrior that appears only in Pokémon Sword
  • Zamazenta – Its armored counterpart in Pokémon Shield
  • Eternatus – A venomous dragon unlockable in both versions

These three titans form the core legendary lineup before considering any DLC. Now let‘s break down what makes each one so special!

Zacian, The Noble Warrior Wolf

Zacian‘s design channels a proud knight wielding a magical sword. Fittingly for Pokémon Sword, this Fairy/Steel-type crusader boasts high attack and sweeping potential with moves like Behemoth Blade. Its history intertwines with ancient Galar royalty and tragic events that threaten the region.

Once caught, Zacian‘s excellent typing and Swords Dance setup make it a formidable sweeper. Competitive analyses by top players like WolfeyVGC and CybertronVGC showcase Zacian‘s dominance with the right team support. Even after Crown Tundra DLC legendaries like Calyrex entered the metagame, Zacian remains arguably the best restricted Pokémon for ranked doubles battles.

How to Catch: Zacian becomes catchable in Slumbering Weald after becoming Champion. Save beforehand in case it struggles free!

Base Stats:

HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeedTotal

Zamazenta, The Stalwart Shield Wolf

If Zacian embodies the sword, Zamazenta is the shield counterpart exclusive to Pokémon Shield. With tremendous 120 base defense and access to moves like Iron Defense and Body Press, this determined Fighting/Steel warrior leverages bulk over brute force compared to its peer.

Thematically Zamazenta draws from Lady of the Lake myths about magical swords like Excalibur. Perhaps this honorable war wolf once guarded treasures or had predestined encounter with some Galar hero that faced Eternatus long ago. We can only speculate until future titles expand the canon!

Zamazenta‘s stellar mixed bulk and setup sweeper potential earn it high marks despite typing overlap with other legends like Cobalion or Terrakion from Gen 5. Its Crowned Forme introduced in later updates bolsters an already formidable battler.

How to Catch: Zamazenta awaits challengers in Slumbering Weald after seeing the game‘s credits roll. Come prepared for this king of beasts!

Base Stats:

HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeedTotal

Eternatus, The Venomous Dragon Dynamax Titan

Last but not least, the hazardous Eternatus provides a shared legendary encounter in both Pokémon Sword & Shield. This gargantuan Poison/Dragon blighted Galar long ago before being sealed away. With its infinite supply of explosive Dynamax energy, Eternatus again threatens the region after awakening once more.

Channels and analysts like TrueGreen7 dramatize Eternatus‘ sheer power. Its ability to trigger max moves endlessly makes it arguably the strongest Dynamax canon legendary when permitted. Even among other giant legendaries, raw stats like 140 base Sp. Attack ensure this beast hits fiercely. Videos of it obliterating raid bosses demonstrate its prowess!

Yet beneath menacing size and toxins lies mystery about Eternatus‘ origins or purpose. Is it a misguided protector? Was Dynamax energy meant for good before corrupting absolutely? Regardless this epic showdown awaits once Trainers can challenge it!

How to Catch: Prepare to face Eternatus as the climax of Pokémon Sword/Shield‘s main campaign after collecting badge eight. It may feel impossible alone, but trust your bonds will see victory!

Base Stats:

HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeedTotal

How Do These Legendaries Compare to DLC Additions?

While mighty titanesque beasts, Zacian, Zamazenta and Eternatus seem almost quaint compared to dimensional walker Calyrex or icy undoer Calyrex unveiled in The Crown Tundra expansion content:

Whereas the initial legendary trio feel spiritually bound to Galar, these newcomers herald more cosmic conflicts. And the extra stat boosts or unique forms further widen the new power gap:

Calyrex1008080808080500Multiple riders/fusions
Glastrier1001451306511030580Ice horse mount
Spectrier100656014580130580Shadow horse mount

But the Gen 8 original legendary trio should not be underestimated either! Their lore and legacy will likely grow in future Galar titles. And for new Trainers starting their Pokémon Sword/Shield journey, Zacian, Zamazenta and Eternatus offer exciting elite encounters before pursuing any DLC.

I hope this guide gives fans and newcomers alike fresh insight into these legendaries available from the beginning in Galar. Let me know which one seems the most appealing to hunt down or use on your in-game team!

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