Gotta Evolve ‘Em All: The Elite Group of Legendaries That Can Transform

Evolving powerful Pokemon to their final form is one of the most satisfying parts of training – but for legendaries, epic evolutions are almost unheard of! According to the Pokedex, only a handful of mystic legendaries can evolve to reach their full potential. As a competitive trainer, tracking which sky-high legendaries can change shape is essential to mastering your battle skills.

So let‘s geek out over the epic legendary species blessed with branched evolutions! I‘ve battled long enough to breakdown exactly how these amazing evolution lines work – their new powers, the extra effort to evolve them, and why their transformable traits make them serious contenders in the competitive scene…

Type: Null the Synthetic Legendary

This man-made chimera Pokemon undergoes one of the most dramatic legendary evolutions. Type: Null starts as a strange armored beast designed to battle the extra-dimensional Ultra Beasts. But once you level up this troubled monster and raise its friendship to high levels, its helmet breaks away to reveal the majestic dragon-type Silvally!

According to my notes, here’s what changes when Type: Null becomes Silvally:

StatType: Null BaseSilvally Base
Special Attack9595
Special Defense9595

So stat-wise, Silvally gains a big boost to speed! It also activates the RKS System ability, letting it change its type to match any hold item. This makes Silvally a fierce adaptive sweeper! With coverage against almost any opponent, building the right movepool makes Silvally a threat.

And the synthetic chimera’s new friendship evolution reflects its tragic man-made origins, making Type: Null a fan favorite legendary story. Overall – between the stat jump, new signature power, and emotionally-resonant lore – Type: Null’s evolution is a 10/10 on the epic scale!

Cosmic Evolution: Cosmog, Cosmoem and Solgaleo/Lunala

Diving deeper, the cute little legend Cosmog also holds evolutionary secrets…

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