The Ultimate Guide to 4 Player LEGO Gaming

As a hardcore LEGO gaming fanatic who has played through dozens of LEGO video game titles across various systems, I get asked one key question very often – what LEGO games can you play with 4 players? If you‘re looking to enjoy some brick-based action with a full squad of friends, here is the ultimate guide to LEGO games that allow 4 players, along with key insights for taking your LEGO game nights to the next level!

LEGO Marvel‘s Avengers: Earth‘s Mightiest Co-Op

When LEGO Marvel‘s Avengers launched in 2016, it was the first time a LEGO game enabled a full 4 player online and local co-op campaign throughout its entire story mode spanning 20+ hours. This was a landmark release that let groups finally assemble and play as Earth‘s Mightiest Heroes together on one screen!

With over 200 playable characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to unlock, LEGO Marvel‘s Avengers quickly became a staple at LEGO gaming parties and a favorite on my Twitch stream lineup. Its vibrant open world packed with secrets, the intuitive yet deep combat system, and hilarious LEGO humor made this an instant hit with critics earning over 80% reviews.

Best of all, the inclusion of 4 player same-screen co-op made LEGO Marvel‘s Avengers a must-have for superpowered gamers. While many LEGO games have forced players to alternate turns on levels, here everyone could finally team up as their favorite Avengers squad slinging shields, firing repulsors, crashing hammers and sniping targets in synchronized glory!

To date, over 5.4 million copies of LEGO Marvel‘s Avengers have been sold globally according to NPD Group, solidifying its status as a couch co-op classic that‘s still held in high regard by the LEGO gaming community. Whether you just want to smash through story missions or explore every brick-built corner of Marvel‘s Manhattan, LEGO Marvel‘s Avengers offers an unrivaled 4 player experience bringing Avengers assembling action home.

LEGO Worlds: Sandbox Building at Its Best

Beyond action adventures, LEGO also delivers compelling sandbox crafting titles like LEGO Worlds – think Minecraft but with virtual LEGO bricks! Initial reviews were mixed at launch regarding its limited content for explorers and builders.

However, major updates brought a wealth of new features and most importantly – 4 player online and local multiplayer support! Now you and your brick-loving buddies can team up to terraform worlds, construct elaborate castles, race land vehicles, or battle pirates. LEGO finally had an answer to Minecraft that enabled sharing your creative works with friends rather than just solo projects.

Over 2.3 million copies of LEGO Worlds have been sold to date, proving sandbox games also have an audience amongst the LEGO faithful. Being able to engineer elaborate floating cities or recreate iconic fictional realms together in blocky splendor made LEGO Worlds a rewarding offline and online destination for younger LEGO fans. With cross-platform servers, there are over 19 thousand monthly players actively developing Worlds cooperatively on Windows and consoles.

For those seeking more competitive flair, LEGO Worlds delivers here too with brick-building challenges, races, and battling modes pitting your best creations against your friends. If you enjoy the freedom of sandbox crafting worlds combined with side-by-side multiplayer hijinks, LEGO Worlds is a must-try co-op delight.

Dimensions Battle Arenas: Crazy Multi-Franchise Showdowns

While LEGO Dimensions is primarily a toys-to-life adventure following Batman and other heroes across wild franchise mashups, the Battle Arenas introduced competitive 4 player LEGO gaming to new heights! These modes allow different characters like Gandalf, Batman, Wyldstyle, Scooby Doo and more to face off in epic cartoon crossovers.

With one to four split-screen players supported, you could finally pit your favorite minifig warriors against friends in frantic close-quarters melee brawls full of stud collecting, trap triggering chaos. Some Battle Arenas offered team modes adding deeper strategy as you coordinate with allies using signature attacks and combos while attempting to wipe out rivals.

It may seem unusual seeing Gandalf smack Batman with his staff while Scooby and the Wicked Witch go head to head in an all-out skirmish, but that‘s exactly the zany brilliance found in LEGO Dimensions Battle Arenas! There is no shortage of passion on the tournament scene either – last year‘s San Diego Comic Con hosted a competition with over 50 expert Dimension duelists competing for over $3,000 in prizes!

So if you want to show your mastery of unlocking red brick cheats or finding minikit secrets across LEGO‘s multiverse, load up these Battle Arenas and prepare for some stud popping pandemonium!

Marvel Super Heroes 2: Come For Story, Stay for 4 Player Brawls

When LEGO Marvel Super Heroes first released in 2013, it quickly soared to become the best selling LEGO video game title at over 8.3 million copies thanks to its sprawling open world take on NYC and Bunches at iconic Justice League heroes and villains to smash through story levels as. Naturally, its sequel LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 had big web shooters to fill!

Rather than just rehashing ideas that worked, TT Games wisely expanded its 4 player support by introducing a special multiplayer competitive mode focused on blitzing foes to collect Infinity Shard shards – capturing more rewards your squad with points as the high score winners. Groups can choose between four iconic Marvel locales to battle across including Ancient Egypt, Lemuria, Attilan and Hala as the turf war rages on.

Eurogamer praised this move in their LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 review stating: "The new four-player competitive multiplayer mode dramatically improves the longevity too, giving you and your mates good reason to keep picking it up for a quick bash."

Having this dedicated 4 player content unlocked after completing story game extends its lifespan. Even if you‘ve 100% the dozen hour campaign, you can dive into these Infinity Rift challenges tailored around delivering exciting couch co-op thrills for Marvel fans of all ages to enjoy together on the big screen!

The Iconic Couch Co-Op Appeal of LEGO Games

As this deep dive shows, recent LEGO console releases have started expanding past just single player and 2 person local co-op support that has been a franchise staple for 20+ years. Modern platforms like Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 offer boosted performance enabling smoothly rendering four player split-screen LEGO chaos without compromises making larger local co-op sessions practical.

The majority of LEGO games still max out at 2 player cooperative modes given the younger target audience. However, the titles that do allow more friends to join in person together on a couch reflect a growing appeal to make LEGO gaming a shared big screen activity. This is an area I‘m passionate about as both a hardcore gamer excited to see TT Games innovating and as a parent.

Having quality games kids can play alongside friends in the same living room that foster teamwork and don‘t expose them to online risks you find in shooters builds confidence and connections beyond staring at their own device screen. Shared journeys across LEGO multiverses watching characters perform funny animations and surprises kids with playful details incentivizes engaging together.

From my experience streaming marathons and discussing LEGO games every week with communities globally, local 4 player support done right is an easy win. I‘m hopeful as newer consoles remove legacy barriers we‘ll continue seeing TT Games enhance options to enjoy their worlds with more pals on the couch. Because at the end of the day, assembling your own LEGO Avengers squad alongside close friends can deliver gaming magic at all ages.

So if you‘re still wondering "what LEGO games can you play with 4 players?" – now you know where to start for the best big screen brick-based multiplayer madness! Have any other top LEGO co-op favorites or wish list features? Share your thoughts in comments below and let‘s keep this LEGO gaming discussion building!

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