What level should I be for ESO trials?

To comfortably complete normal trials, CP160 is recommended for access to max level gear. For veteran trials, CP300+ is ideal to meet the higher output and survivability needs.

However, experience can offset lower levels to an extent in normal trials. Let‘s explore requirements and recommendations in detail:

Requirements For Normal Trials

Normal trials like Aetherian Archive and Hel Ra Citadel introduce trial mechanics at a more forgiving difficulty. Here are typical requirements:

  • CP160+ for max gear
  • Appropriate gear sets (overland sets are fine)
  • Basic LA weaving and rotation
  • Minimum of 10-15K DPS

According to player data, here are average benchmark outputs:

Level RangeAverage DPS Range

These benchmarks demonstrate how output scales with additional CP levels and gear. But meeting the 10-15k minimum is very viable with some trial experience.

Key skills like Elemental Drain or Crusher enchant help sustain and boost group damage. And survivability from Damage Shields, Heavy Attacks or Healing Ward gives more margin for error.

Requirements For Veteran Trials

In veteran, enemies hit brutally hard. This demands high mitigation plus solid self-healing or shielding:

  • CP300+ minimum (ideally higher)
  • Optimized gear loadout (including Mythics/Monster Sets)
  • Excellent LA weaving and rotation
  • Minimum 25-30K+ DPS output
  • Understand and adapt to all mechanics

Like before, here are benchmark outputs by CP level in veteran:

Level RangeAverage DPS Range

Reaching at least 35-40k is recommended before harder veterans like vCR+3. More means more room for error and shorter fights to reduce attrition.

Understanding mechanics is also key. For example, on Zhaj‘hassa the Forgotten in vSS, failing to hide from Path of Darkness can mean near one-shots.

Optimizing Trials Viability

Besides output, optimizing build paths improves viability.

For example Mastery CP nodes like Backstabber or Mighty / Precise / Piercing boost critical damage. Thaumaturge enhances DOTs. Elemental Expert buffs flame/shock/frost skills.

Gear wise Mother‘s Sorrow boosts crit. Medusa grants penetration. Various Mythics like Harpooner‘s Kilt or 1pc Monster Sets add key bonuses.

Skills like Barbed Trap add Major Fracture. Channeled Acceleration grants Major Sorcery. Warhorn supplies Ultimate generation.

And passive abilities like Light/Heavy Armor Focus or Destruction/Restoration Staff passives unlock more damage or efficiency.

As a trial newcomer myself starting on normal, grasping these tools took my viability to the next level. And veteran trials became feasible over time through practice and optimization.

Suggested Progression Route

Based on my experience, here is a suggested route to progress into trials:

Step 1) Reach CP160+ and farm starter gear sets

Step 2) Join normal Craglorn trial runs to get fundamentals

Step 3) Optimize build as experience grows

Step 4) Attempt additional normal trials once comfortable

Step 5) Work towards veteran trial prerequisites through practice

Step 6) Join veteran trial progression groups

Jumping right into veterans without experience can be very punishing. But by slowly ramping up mechanics and output via normals first, veterans become a reachable goal!

In the end most trials can be tackled at surprisingly modest levels with the right preparation and leadership.

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