What Level Should I Be For Outer Worlds?

As a passionate Outer Worlds gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot – what is the ideal level to fully experience this amazing RPG? So let me share the insights I‘ve gathered after pouring over 100+ hours into this incredible game and its DLCs.

Recommended Levels

First and foremost, here is a quick overview of the recommended levels:

  • Base Game: Reach level 30
  • DLCs: Start at level 20
  • Max Level Cap: Level 36 with all DLCs

But what do those numbers actually mean in terms of gameplay experience? Keep reading for a more detailed breakdown.

Breaking Down the Leveling System

Outer Worlds doesn‘t technically have any forced level requirements for quests and content. But your chances of success and unlocking the full experience do depend heavily on your level.

Here‘s an estimate of how long it takes to reach key level milestones through a combination of main quests, side quests, exploration and combat:

LevelApprox. Game HoursUnlocks
105 hours1/3 of Skills/Perks
2015 hours2/3 of Skills/Perks
3030-40 hoursMax Skills/Perks for Base Game

As you can see, it takes a decent time investment to unlock the full capabilities for your character build.

  • At level 10, you only have access to the early tier perks and about 1/3 of total skills. This can make fights more frustrating.
  • By level 20, you open up many more options with 2/3 of perks and skills available. This is the minimum I‘d recommend for DLC.
  • Finally, at level 30 you maximize everything the base game offers for customizing and empowering your preferred playstyle.

Why Level 30 for Main Story?

The Outer Worlds team has stated off record that the game‘s balance point is around level 30 for completing the main storylines. This includes wrapping up companion quests and the different faction questlines.

My own playthrough experience also supports level 30 as the point where I had:

  • Fully unlocked perk combinations for my character build
  • High enough skill levels to pass dialogue/hack/lockpick checks
  • Weaponry and gear for any situation like environmental hazards or large enemy packs
  • Confidence to tackle the end-game bosses and make story decisions

Could I have rushed the main quest at a lower level? Probably. But I would have missed out on so many great gear upgrades, companion interactions, enjoyable side content along the way.

Level 30 hits that "sweet spot" of feeling meaningfully powerful yet still challenged against end-game enemies.

What About DLC Recommended Levels?

  • Peril on Gorgon DLC: Level 20 minimum recommended
  • Murder on Eridanos DLC: Level 30+ recommended

The Gorgon DLC is balanced around level 20-25, when players are starting to diversify their skills but still have gaps to fill. The enemies and new science weapons offer a decent challenge here.

Meanwhile, Eridanos assumes you have already completed the base game and are around level 30. The extensive character customization really shines as you leverage everything in your arsenal to uncover the secrets of this resort.

And with both DLCs installed, you can now reach the new max level cap of 36! Those extra levels require approx. 7 more hours to earn.

But they make you feel incredibly heroic with high core stats and versatile skillsets. I loved wrapping up every last side mission as an unstoppable level 36 juggernaut!

In Closing: It‘s About the Complete Experience

At lower levels like 10-15, Outer Worlds feels quite punishing with frequent deaths and lacking capabilities. From levels 20-30 is when the real depth starts to open up. And 30+ is where everything culminates into a power fantasy of choice and consequence.

So if you ask me "what level should I be for Outer Worlds" – my short answer is level 30+. And 36 if you want to dominate with all DLC!

Let me know in the comments if this helps explain how Outer Worlds‘ progression system expands the possibilities over time. I‘m happy to chat more or even showcase different builds at various stages.

Thanks for reading and happy leveling, captains! Now get out there and make Halcyon your playground.

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