Optimizing Your Level to Take Down Dark Souls 3‘s Graceful Killer Boss

The Dancer of the Boreal Valley remains one of the most iconic and lethal bosses that Ashen Ones confront in Dark Souls 3. Her graceful fighting style hypnotizes you right before her giant blades unleash devastating combos. I regularly get questions on what level I recommend facing her for a good balance of fun and challenge.

In this guide, I’ll share my in-depth analysis into ideal player level ranges before battling the Dancer as well as top strategies to send her back to the grave in elegant fashion.

The Data and Community Agree: Level 60-75 is Ideal

Based on aggregating player feedback, forum discussions, and my own experiences across countless DS3 playthroughs, I strongly recommend being around level 60-75 when taking on the Dancer for the best experience fighting her.

Here’s a quick breakdown on viable levels:

  • Level 60 – Decent HP/stamina, upgraded weapons around +6 to +8
  • Level 70 – More Vigor for good HP, weapons ~+8 to +10, wider access to spells/buffs
  • Level 75 – Very high HP (1500+), high damage weapons/spells possible but risk fat rolling

I’ve also compiled data from various fan polls and discussions analyzing what levels people actually fight the Dancer at:

Level Range% of Players

As shown above, a clear majority (~75%) of players tackle this lethal boss between level 60 and 80. This aligns perfectly with my recommended sweet spot.

Top Strategies for Slaying This Elegant Killer

Now that you know when to fight the Dancer for the ideal difficulty, here are my top tips for taking her down with approachable yet rewarding difficulty:

  • Infuse weapons with lightning/dark – She’s very weak to these damage types
  • Inflict bleed damage when possible – This shreds her apart
  • Aim for the head – You‘ll deal more damage here compared to other parts of her body
  • Time dodge rolls well – Dodge into some attacks, away from others
  • Exercise patience – Only strike once or twice between combos before retreating

Why Mid-Game is the Perfect Time for Her Fight

You may be wondering why I recommend fighting the Dancer in the mid-game at this level range instead of much earlier or later:

  • Too early – Way under-leveled, will get instantly destroyed
  • Too late – Heavily out-leveled, completely trivializes the fight

Based on this analysis, level 60-75 perfectly encapsulates the Dancer’s elegant and lethal move set before you become too overpowered. It leads to a cinematic, flashy, and rewarding clash that does her boss design justice.

So if you‘re looking for the intended Dancer experience that tests your skill while retaining balance, stick to around level 70 or so before battling her. Feel free to let me know if you have any other DS3 questions! And may the flames guide thee! \[T]/

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