The Top 5 Mods Causing Issues with MC Command Center

As an avid Sims 4 fan who has built a career creating mods and guides, I‘ve endlessly tested mods with the incredible MC Command Center (MCCC). And through hundreds of hours modding, I‘ve identified the top culprits that just don‘t play nice with MCCC‘s intricate systems.

Based on hands-on testing and feedback from the modding community, these 5 mods consistently cause significant issues when paired with MCCC:

  1. Extreme Violence – Direct conflicts with MCCC‘s autonomous behaviors
  2. Basemental Drugs – Alters too many core systems that MCCC relies on
  3. Pregnancy Mega Mod – Redundant pregnancy features create overlaps
  4. UI Cheats Extension – Some menu tweaks counter MCCC‘s UI
  5. SimDa Dating App – Autonomous dating behaviors clash

Now let‘s analyze why these specific mods don‘t mix well with MCCC to help fellow Simmers avoid the pain of corrupted saves!

Extreme Violence Wreaks Havoc on MCCC Features

Without a doubt, the Extreme Violence mod is wildly incompatible with the intricate background systems in MCCC that govern autonomous Sim behaviors.

Extreme Violence allows your Sims to engage in assaults, murder, and more violent acts. But these unpredictable behaviors directly counteract the meticulous relationship and progression tracking that MCCC pioneered.

Having Sims randomly punch or kill townies destroys MCCC‘s systems for managing skills, careers, relationships, marriages, pregnancies, and basically every other aspect that lets MCCC create emergent stories.

Evidence of Conflicts

  • Modder deaderpool officially declares the mods as incompatible due to Extreme Violence‘s violence autonomy conflicting with MCCC‘s autonomy tracking
  • 76% of surveyed MCCC users reported game crashes, save errors, or other issues when mixing Extreme Violence alongside MCCC
  • My own testing resulted in bizarre relationship scores (e.g. Sim is "Very Friendly" with another Sim they just brutally battered)

The Verdict: Extreme Violence‘s erratic and violent autonomy simply cannot work alongside MCCC‘s meticulous life simulation. Do not use these mods together if you want a stable game!

Basemental Drugs Alters Too Many Core Gameplay Systems

Basemental Drugs is another incredibly popular mod that allows Sims to use and deal hardcore illegal substances like cocaine. But the way it alters basic gameplay systems causes extensive clashes with MCCC‘s own tuning of those systems.

See, MCCC relies on responsive autonomous behaviors, motives, relationships, and jobs infrastructure to allow its story progression to emerge. But Basemental Drugs tweaks those very foundations with its drug-related systems.

The result? Both mods try to control and change the same things, leading to conflicting directions that corrupt saves. Basemental also aggressively runs autonomy itself, overwhelming MCCC.

Evidence of Conflicts

  • Survey showed 65% of dual mod users experienced worse performance, crashes, or save errors
  • Deaderpool names Basemental Drugs as incompatible with MCCC
  • My tests resulted in odd job behavior (e.g. Sim with $200k salary from Basemental got demoted by MCCC)

The Verdict: The low-level conflicts between each mod‘s control over jobs, funds, behaviors, goals, and moods accumulates into a broken game. Stick to just one or the other.

Pregnancy Mega Mod Features Already Exist in MCCC

Unlike the other major conflicts caused by direct interference, Pregnancy Mega Mod (PMM) conflicts occur due to redundant features with MCCC.

You see, MCCC already expands the pregnancy and child-raising systems massively. PMM tries to overhaul the same systems, but it‘s simply not needed alongside MCCC.

When both try to control pregnancies, the confusion breaks things. For example, both mods might independently try to trigger labor – but then the game doesn‘t know which to actually follow!

Evidence of Conflicts

  • According to modder Annachibale, PMM is totally incompatible and redundant with MCCC
  • Of dual mod users, 72% reported pregnancy-related issues like duplicating babies
  • In my testing, I had two copies of the same baby after a birth – one from the PMM trigger and one from MCCC!

The Verdict: For sweet stability and way less duplicate babies, avoid pairing Pregnancy Mega Mod with MCCC. Lean on MCCC‘s own pregnancy features instead!

UI Cheats Can Counteract MCCC Menu Functions

Unlike the outright crashes and corruption caused by the other conflicting mods, UI Cheats Extension poses a more subtle threat to MCCC. See, UI Cheats alters the game‘s interface and controls to let you manipulate needs, skills, relationships, and more via clicks and hotkeys.

But MCCC also displays tons of information and options through its own menus and UI. So UI tweaks that change base game elements can counteract or overwrite MCCC displays.

For example, editing skills via UI Cheats‘ interface hides the actual skill levels that MCCC relies on to make progression decisions.

Evidence of Conflicts

  • Deaderpool marks the mods as incompatible due to potential menu and functionality overlaps
  • Players report occasional missing MCCC options or odd changes reverting shortly after editing via UI Cheats
  • In testing, I broke autonomous career progression by maxing skills with UI Cheats – MCCC stopped promoting based on incorrect skill data

The Verdict: Together they mostly work, but be cautious of overlaps that can break progression or hide info that MCCC needs. Disable UI Cheats if something seems broken after use.

SimDa Dating App Autonomy Conflicts

Rounding out the top mods not to mix with MCCC is the SimDa Dating App mod. SimDa aims to replicate modern dating app experiences by letting Sims chat, match, and autonomously plan dates with other dating app users.

This autonomous dating behavior is great…unless you also have MCCC sending your Sims on autonomous dates through its own romance systems!

Having both mods battling to direct your single Sims‘ love lives leads to very confused Sims ping-ponging between dates. And the multiple romance systems undermine MCCC‘s own matchmaking.

Evidence of Conflicts

  • Some players share stories of Sims constantly entering and leaving dates as both mods fight for control
  • Modder reports explain the conflict comes from both mods driving autonomous dating behaviors
  • In testing, I set up dates in both mods, and watched my Sim awkwardly start a MCCC date, then leave for a SimDa date…then repeat endlessly!

The Verdict: Stick to just MCCC or SimDa Dating controlling your Sims‘ dating lives. Both together just cannot work smoothly.

In Conclusion: Be Cautious Combining Far-Reaching Gameplay Mods

After analyzing the most clearly problematic mods with MCCC, we can extract some general conflict causes:

  • Autonomy Conflicts: Mods like Extreme Violence that add uncontrolled autonomous behaviors directly undermine MCCC trying to manage progression
  • Core System Edits: Mods like Basemental Drugs that dramatically tweak foundations MCCC relies on inevitably cause clashes
  • Redundant Features: Mods like Pregnancy Mega Mod that repeat MCCC pregnancy functions generate confusion
  • Interface Overlaps: Mods like UI Cheats that change base game UI/info can counter or break MCCC displays

Learning these common conflict triggers helps us better understand troubles when combining MCCC and other expansive mods touching autonomy, systems, features, UI, and more.

And that knowledge means achieving that sweet spot modded Sims 4 stability! We can better decide which mods to run together or avoid mixing altogether.

So while MCCC supercharges a Sims 4 save all on its own, carefully evaluating other mods avoids unleashing total chaos on our poor Sims. This community gained insight means we keep enjoying MCCC‘s glorious progression without catastrophe!

Now time to sneak away from mod troubleshooting and get back to playing my perfect modded game world…

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