What mods does Crazy Craft 4.0 have? A Complete Overview

As an avid Minecraft gamer and modpack expert, I get asked this question a lot – what does the legendary Crazy Craft 4.0 modpack contain? With over 60 game-changing mods packed in, let‘s take a comprehensive look at the mods that make Crazy Craft such an insane experience!


The crown jewel of any Crazy Craft install. No other mod comes close to adding such hilariously unbalanced yet fun content. Highlights include:

  • Bosses like the Queen, King, and Emperor that drop overpowered gear
  • Weapons like the Bane of Pigs and Minigun that shred through enemies
  • Pets like Falcon, Fairy and Mouse with useful abilities

My favorite is the Royal Guardian armor – wearing the full set makes you an unkillable god! Orespawn alone adds enough wacky weapons and items to make a modpack, combining it with 60 other mods results in perfect Crazy Craft chaos.

Legends Mod

This superhero-themed mod lets you choose from various suits and gain ridiculous special abilities. My top picks:

  • Suit Supremacy: Grants you jetboots, rocket launchers, a rail gun, and an Iron Man style suit. Easily the most badass option!
  • Swift Shadow: Turns you invisible and gives you short range teleportation – perfect for stealth!
  • Fortification: Transforms you into a mobile fortress with a forcefield and siege weaponry!

I‘d rank Legends Mod as the 3rd most critical mod behind Orespawn and TragicMC when rating mods by insanity and enjoyment provided!


This lesser known mod introduces 9 overpowered weapon types like greatswords, scythes, and explosives – all enchantable and customizable. You can equip skills to enable abilities like:

  • Firing explosiveprojectiles
  • Temporarily boosting attack damage and speed
  • Summoning minions to fights for you

It also has an addiction mechanic that buffs you while increasing hunger depletion – perfectly riskey for CrazyCraft!


What good is slaying epic bosses if you can‘t use their forms to terrorize others? The Morph mod lets you shapeshift into any mob by killing it.

My favorite transformations are:

  • Baby Ghast: Allows flying and shooting fireballs – great for travel and combat!
  • Giant: Turns you into a 20 block tall monster capable of crushing all before you!
  • Unstable Antimatter: A cosmic entity with rapid teleportation and deadly lightning attacks!

Extra Utilities 2

While primarily adding useful utility blocks like the Angel Ring for creative flight, this mod also introduces fun items like the Building and Destruction gadgets that let you rapidly construct or demolish.

Testing these out in Crazy Craft frequently ends up transforming huge chunks of terrain much to my delight!

The above 5 are just a taste – other critical mods like Twilight Forest, Mutant Creatures, Minecraft Comes Alive, and Inventory Pets all synergize to make Crazy Craft 4.0 the pinnacle of chaotic modded Minecraft perfection! Let me know your favorite mods in the comments.

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