What Monkeys Have Tier 6 Upgrades in Bloons TD 6?

According to the Bloons TD 6 wiki, the following monkey towers currently have Tier 6 upgrade options available:

  • Dart Monkey
  • Boomerang Monkey
  • Bomb Shooter
  • Tack Shooter
  • Glue Gunner
  • Ice Monkey
  • Sniper Monkey

Tier 6 represents the maximum upgrade level achievable for these towers. Reaching Tier 6 unlocks powerful new abilities and attacks to help players advance further in the game.

Overview of Tier 6 Upgrades by Monkey Tower

Let‘s take a closer look at what each of these monkey towers gains from Tier 6 upgrades:

Dart Monkey

The Dart Monkey‘s Tier 6 upgrade is called "Ultimate Master" and costs $85,000 on Medium difficulty. According to the Bloons TD 6 wiki, the Tier 6 Dart Monkey shoots 3 plasma blasts per attack at a very fast attack speed. The plasma blast explosion also blows back nearby bloons.

Boomerang Monkey

The Boomerang Monkey‘s Tier 6 upgrade is called "Kylie Australis" and costs $100,000 on Medium. The deadly boomerangs thrown become razor sharp and move extremely quickly, easily shredding through bloon rushes.

Bomb Shooter

The Tier 6 Bomb Shooter is nicknamed "The Biggest Bomber" and drops enormous, screen-clearing mega bombs every few seconds. Costing $150,000 on Medium, it devastates grouped bloon rushes.

Tack Shooter

The Tier 6 "Inferno Annihilator" shoots white-hot flaming tacks at supernatural speed for $100k on Medium. These melted tacks splash damage to nearby bloons.

Glue Gunner

The Glue Gunner‘s Tier 6 "MOAB Minefield" covers the entire track with glue mines for $100k on Medium. Bloons that hit them explode into more glue to slow down assaults.

Ice Monkey

Nicknamed "The Ice King", this $150k Tier 6 Ice Monkey constantly emits arctic winds to freeze bloons solid while attacking with brutal icicle storms.

Sniper Monkey

The Tier 6 "Elite Targeter" auto targets bloons most likely to leak lives with its $100k ballistic missiles. The explosions also stun nearby MOAB-class bloons.


Reaching Tier 6 requires significant monkey money grinding, but the game-changing upgrades unlocked are well worth the investment. With these powerful sentries guarding the track, players can push much deeper into Freeplay mode and take on the toughest late-game bloon rushes Bloons TD 6 has to offer.

Let me know if you need any other details on these Tier 6 monkey towers! I gathered this upgrade overview from the Bloons TD 6 community wiki. As a fellow passionate gamer, I‘m always happy to discuss insights and strategies to master this classic tower defense series.

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