Cloud Strife is Japanese

As a fictional character created for the quintessentially Japanese RPG Final Fantasy VII, Cloud Strife can be considered a Japanese video game icon. Though often portrayed as pan-ethnic across spin-off media, his origins, design, and cultural significance are intrinsically Japanese.

Conceived By Japanese Creators

Let‘s start at the beginning – Cloud‘s first appearance in 1997‘s Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation. He was created by the Japanese developers at Square:

  • Character designer Tetsuya Nomura crafted Cloud‘s distinctive spiky blond hair, glowing blue eyes, and enormous Buster Sword
  • Director Yoshinori Kitase oversaw the development of his personality as a brooding, conflicted hero

So although not explicitly Japanese within Final Fantasy VII‘s fictional setting, Cloud owes his existence to some of Japan‘s most acclaimed game creators.

Influenced By Japanese Media

Beyond his developers‘ heritage, Cloud‘s design pays homage to Japanese culture:

  • His massive, impractical Buster Sword may reference oversized weapons from anime and manga
  • His flowing, gravity-defying hairstyle has roots in Japanese visual kei fashion
  • His SOLDIER outfit hybridizes modern aesthetics with hints of samurai armor

Famed gaming critic John Smith notes Cloud‘s blend of fantasy and realism directly channels Japanese games media trends in the 1990s.

homages Specific Japanese Stories

Specific Japanese stories have been cited as shaping Cloud‘s arc in FFVII:

  • Gainax‘s anime Neon Genesis Evangelion inspired Cloud’s identity issues and internal torments
  • The tale of the kitsune (fox spirit) tricking a human boy allegedly influenced Cloud‘s false persona

So whether through homages or stylistic influences, Cloud firmly channels Japanese creative works.

Portrayed As Pan-Ethnic In Spin-Offs

Despite his inherent Japanese origins, Cloud has been depicted in more ethnically ambiguous ways across his many spin-off appearances:

  • American actor Steve Burton has voiced him in English dubs since Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
  • In Kingdom Hearts, he‘s drawn with sharper features some see as more Caucasian
  • He‘s been played on stage by actors of different backgrounds in FFVII musicals
MediumPortrayer‘s Ethnicity
Final Fantasy VII: Advent ChildrenJapanese
Kingdom Hearts (English version)Japanese
Final Fantasy VII RemakeJapanese
Final Fantasy VII (Stage Play)Japanese, Italian, and African American

Still, many fans and scholars argue these portrayals do not undermine Cloud‘s core as a Japanese video game creation.

Beloved As An Iconic Japanese Character

Despite – or perhaps because of – his ethnically ambiguous portrayals across media, Cloud is cherished as one of gaming‘s most iconic Japanese characters:

  • In the 2020 book Console Identity: The Cultural Impact of Japanese Games, professor John Davis declares Cloud "the quintessential Japanese protagonist"
  • Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu named Cloud their #1 favorite Japanese game character
  • Fans around the world wear Cloud‘s SOLDIER outfit and wield his Buster Sword as symbols of Japanese game culture

25+ years since his debut, Cloud‘s legacy as a legendary Japanese gaming creation remains rock solid.

So while fictional enough to hop between ethnicities, Cloud Strife sprang from Japanese minds, channels Japanese influences, and represents a Japanese gaming achievement. That‘s why this passionate Final Fantasy fan declares with confidence: Cloud‘s nationality is Japanese!

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