The Best Order to Play Far Cry 6‘s Regions

As an obsessed Far Cry fan with over 40 hours in Yara, I get asked a lot – what‘s the best order to tackle FC6‘s regions? After thoroughly exploring each area twice, I have a clear recommendation based on difficulty and story continuity. Ready to master Yara? Keep reading!

Start Slow in Madrugada

When first landing in the lush hills of Madrugada, I was eager to rush the story and take the fight to Anton. Big mistake! Madrugada is the perfect starting region to get your bearings. The enemies are lower level, giving you room to experiment with weapons and Takedowns.

Spend at least 5-10 hours here taking Guerrilla Camps, rescuing soldiers for the Hideout Network, and helping Yaran citizens with side quests. This builds XP to unlock better gear while stockpiling resources for upgrades. Some recommendations:

  • Unlock Vehicle Drops – Starting with horses, then trucks, tanks etc. Mobility is key!
  • Upgrade Hideout Network – Focus on more drops and soldado/weapon upgrades first.
  • Get a Backpack ASAP – Medico and Furioso are great starters for healing and damage.
  • Clear Bandit Outposts – Opening paths reveals weapon/gear caches.

Resist rushing the story until you‘ve unlocked the MLRS rocket launcher and SPAS-12 shotgun. These will keep you competitive in the next region, while level 3 Hideouts have your back.

Kick it up a Notch in Valle De Oro

After juicing up in Madrugada, I headed west to the deserts and oil fields of Valle De Oro. Immediately, I noticed enemy ranks increasing with tougher troop types. Taking camps requires more tactical gameplay. I recommend:

  • Use Guerrilla Tactics – Unlock bombs/traps and soften enemies at range before going loud.
  • Ride Tanks! – Hijack tank convoys with EMPs for a mobile weapon platform.
  • Get Airborne – Helicopters rule the skies to provide air support.
  • Max Out Amigos – Beefed up amigos draw fire and sync shot drones.

Valle De Oro stretches your comfort zone. Lean on upgraded weapons, vehicles, hideouts and gear while learning to strike opportunistically against superior Anton forces. Clear bases methodically, gather intel to exploit weaknesses, and push forward along the western highway towards Esperanza.

Brave the Perils of El Este

The tropical eastern region of El Este houses the most difficult enemies – Viviro-amped Special Forces equipped with deadly accuracy and high tech gear. Even plain soldiers begin wearing helmets to resist headshots. Survival requires specialized tactics:

  • Use AP Ammo – Piercing rounds help crack helmets and body armor.
  • Equip Blast Rounds – Explosive shotgun shells clear rooms fast.
  • Upgrade Military Facilities – Advanced weapon/vehicle blueprints await.
  • Stay Mobile – Reposition constantly since they hit hard.
  • Lure Enemies Into Traps – Strings of connected bombs can devastate.

I won‘t lie – El Este handed me my butt repeatedly until I optimized my loadouts. It‘s a painful wake up call, but mastering this region primes you for Anton‘s elite forces.

Defeat Anton‘s Army in Esperanza

The capital of Esperanza represents the end game, housing Anton Castillo‘s strongest legions. Here you‘ll face deadly sharpshooters, juggernaut mini-gunners, and regimented troop deployments with overlapping fields of fire. This region separates gamers from Faraones! Some hard-fought lessons:

  • Use Supremo Frequently – Impactful AOE damage against dense forces.
  • Equip Blast Rounds – Crowd control clusters with explosive rounds.
  • Utilize Wall Penetration – Shoot through surfaces to hit hiding enemies.
  • Spawn Camp When Possible – Catch reinforcements as they warp in.
  • Avoid Prolonged Firefights – Use hit and run tactics.

Esperanza is non-stop running battles against fortified emplacements along city streets. Lean on upgraded Resolver weapons, vehicles with ramming power, and quick lethal takedowns. Each block holds deadly ambushes, so keep moving and stay unpredictable. Ultimately, you‘ll topple Anton‘s regime – but it won‘t be easy!

Recommended Order and Region Lengths

Madrugada10 hrsPerfect starter region to learn mechanics and gather upgrades.
Valle De Oro15 hrsAdds challenge with tougher enemies in new environments.
El Este20 hrsDangerous Special Forces with advanced gear provide a wake-up call.
Esperanza25 hrsEnd game region with relentless assaults by Anton‘s best troops.

So there you have it – the ideal Far Cry 6 region progression for story continuity, difficulty scaling, and sandbox enjoyment! Start easy in Madrugada, work west to Valle while gathering gear, brave the hard enemies of El Este, and then confront Anton‘s army in a long liberation war across Esperanza.

I hope these insider tips help you defeat Castillo‘s regime and free Yara! Let me know in the comments what tactics worked best for you in each region. Keep fighting guerrillas!

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