What Order Should I Play the Final Fantasy 7 Games In? The Ultimate Guide

As a longtime Final Fantasy 7 fan and avid gamer, one of the most common questions I see is what order new players should experience the various FF7 games, movies, and spinoffs. With multiple titles spanning 1997 to 2023, it can definitely be confusing! Well, I‘ve played them all extensively, and I‘m here to provide the definitive guide to playing the FF7 series in the optimal story order.

Here is the play sequence I recommend for beginners:

  1. Final Fantasy 7 (1997)
  2. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion (2023)
  3. Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children (2005)
  4. Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7 (2006, optional)
  5. Final Fantasy 7 Remake (2020)
  6. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Upcoming)

1. Final Fantasy 7 (1997) – The Original Masterpiece

It all started in 1997 with the release of Final Fantasy 7 on the PlayStation. This genre-defining RPG dazzled with its epic storyline, ensemble cast, satisfying progression systems, and striking 3D visuals. It quickly became a beloved classic that has sold over 12 million copies globally.

Final Fantasy 7

The iconic logo of the original Final Fantasy 7 on PS1

FF7 follows the story of Cloud Strife, an aloof mercenary who gets caught up with the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE as they fight against the sinister Shinra corporation in the sprawling metropolis of Midgar. Along the way, deeper mysteries unfold regarding Cloud‘s past as well as the ultimate destructive power lurking in the shadows.

Game Info
Release Year1997
PlatformsPS1, PS4, NS, XB1, PC

Nearly 30 years later, FF7 remains a must-play. Its worldbuilding, social commentary, charming mini-games (who can forget chocobo racing?), unforgettable soundtrack, and shocking story twists set an incredibly high bar. It‘s also loaded with tons of secrets and optional elite bosses for dedicated completionists.

That‘s why for those new to Final Fantasy 7, I always stress playing the original game FIRST to fully understand its seminal place in gaming history and appreciate how subsequent titles build on its legacy.

2. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion (2023)

Following a full playthrough of FF7, the perfect next step is the 2023 remaster of Crisis Core. This excellent prequel focuses on Zack Fair, Cloud‘s close friend and mentor figure seen in flashbacks. Seeing his full adventure fleshes out so much backstory leading directly into the events of FF7.

Crisis Core FF7

Zack wielding his signature Buster Sword

Originally released for PSP in 2007, Crisis Core was remastered in gorgeous HD for modern consoles in 2024 as Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion. This version features full voice acting, upgraded graphics, and refined combat mechanics making it the definitive edition for both new and returning fans.

Playing as Zack Fair rather than Cloud is a refreshing change of pace, and he brings a lot of charm and cheerfulness to balance FF7‘s brooding tone. His bonds with mentors like Angeal and General Sephiroth offer great worldbuilding for Shinra‘s SOLDIER program. And seeing beautiful setpieces like the Banora Underground Caverns and hometowns like Gongaga pre-Meteorfall is a nostalgic treat.

While Crisis Core‘s overall narrative still has some flaws compared to FF7‘s main story, its highs — specifically Zack‘s finally stand — are emotionally devastating. I won‘t spoil events here, but bring tissues. You‘ll need them.

After seeing Zack‘s full arc over Crisis Core‘s 20-30 hour adventure, FF7‘s story beats regarding Cloud‘s memories and Zack‘s role will hit much harder. It‘s amazing supplemental material.

3. Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children (2005)

2005‘s Advent Children CGI movie aims to provide closure for FF7‘s characters and world. Set two years after the game‘s events, it shows glimpses of Midgar and Edge in the aftermath of Meteor‘s destruction as the stigma illness plagues the land. Fan-favorites like Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Yuffie and more reunite for an also heartwrenching story. Plus, iconic villain Sephiroth returns leading to spectacular summon battles.

Advent Children

Advent Children first released on UMD for Sony‘s PSP console before later coming to DVD/Blu-Ray. And in 2022, Square Enix remastered it in 4K for modern streaming. So countless ways to watch this dynamic FF7 sequel film nowadays!

Foremost, it‘s a visual treat and technological showcase, from the stirring motorcycle chase intro to the ridiculous multi-sword Sephiroth fight finale. Even 17 years later, it holds up brilliantly thanks to meticulous animation and direction.

And since it picks up after FF7‘s good ending rather than being an alternate route, it provides helpful resolution without undoing your progress. Seeing glimpses of characters trying to move on while struggling with past trauma and survivor‘s guilt makes perfect narrative sense. The dynamic between Cloud and young Marlene is especially poignant.

Gameplay connections to FF7 are limited since it‘s a non-interactive film, but Advent Children does subtly set up plot threads regarding Geostigma and the Sephiroth gene that would inspire later compilation titles like Dirge of Cerberus

4. Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7 (2006)

…Case in point: Dirge of Cerberus, a 2006 action shooter following Vincent Valentine. Chronologically set one year after Advent Children, it deals with the resurgence of Deepground, an underground military faction that was cut from FF7‘s original story. They‘re unleashing new cybernetic monsters on the world, drawing Vincent into the fray.

As a gun-toting goth who can transform into deadly beasts, Vincent seemed perfectly suited to headline his own flashy third-person shooter. And while Dirge of Cerberus offers some slick graphics and satisfying weapon variety, its repetitive mission structure andstraightforward story didn‘t leave much of an impact. Most fans view it as non-essential.

But for FF7 completionists determined to consume every piece of lore, it does offer cool concepts like Vincent‘s transformations and backstory revelations with Lucretia Crescent. Just temper expectations going in, and take breaks between the constant WRO vs Deepground skirmishes.

I‘d only recommend Dirge of Cerberus to diehard fans who have already finished FF7‘s stellar core game plus Crisis Core and Advent Children. At that point, it functions like extra credit content rather than crucial curriculum.

5. Final Fantasy 7 Remake (2020)

We‘ve covered FF7‘s past, but what about its future? Enter Final Fantasy 7 Remake, a top-to-bottom overhaul built for modern hardware. Rather than a straight graphical update, Square Enix reimagined its scope, scale, and combat systems while retelling the iconic Midgar portion with a twist...

Let‘s break down everything FF7 Remake offers:

FF7 Remake key art

Game Info
GenreAction RPG
Release Year2020
PlatformsPS4, PS5, PC
  • Jawdropping Visuals: Finally seeing FF7 locales like Midgar‘s Train Graveyard, Mako Reactors, Wall Market slums rendered in cutting-edge HD graphics is nothing short of mindblowing. Square truly built an immersive near-future cyberpunk city, absolutely nailing the atmosphere.

  • Revamped Combat: Instead of purely turn-based menus, Remake utilizes real-time action RPG mechanics comparable to Final Fantasy 15. Dodging and positioning matters now! Boss fights also involve multi-stage mechanics keeping players on their toes.

  • Expanded Side Quests: Previously small roles like Jessie, Biggs and Wedge of AVALANCHE get full story arcs showing their motivations. Plus tons of hidden discovery quests fleshing out Midgar citizens further.

  • Killer Soundtrack: Remake‘s soundtrack combines orchestral rearrangements of FF7‘s most nostalgic tunes plus dozens of original atmospheric, rocking battle themes.

  • ??? Story Changes: This remake isn‘t 100% faithful to every beat of the original. Certain events subtly foreshadow what‘s to come in future chapters. Analyzing these clues about Whispers, the Arbiters of Fate and more ambiguous visions consumes the fanbase currently!

By focusing solely on the Midgar act of FF7 rather than cramming the entire saga into one game, Square Enix ensured this remake had incredible depth and detail. Still, the story changes left people questioning how drastically sequels may diverge from the 97 game.

6. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (Upcoming)

The debate rages on what twists and deviations Final Fantasy Rebirth may introduce when it launches for PS5 on December 22, 2023. Set directly after Remake, it promises to take players "to an even greater realm of imagination".

FF7 Rebirth logo

Based on trailers and teasers so far, Cloud, Tifa and allies will continue pursuing their archenemy Sephiroth beyond Midgar, likely visiting beloved locales like Junon, the Gold Saucer, Nibelheim and the Forgotten Capital over this next chapter.

Key characters from FF7 like Cid Highwind, Cait Sith, Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi who missed Remake‘s initial release also appear in prominent shots indicating they‘ll formally join the party soon. Their unique abilities could add fun new dynamics to the already stellar combat foundations.

And while obviously story details are heavily guarded secrets until launch, confrontations with the mysterious robed figures pulling Remnant‘s strings suggest reveals about the nature of Destiny and what these timeline shifts mean for our heroes — especially Aerith with her connection to the Ancients.

Regardless of what twists Rebirth throws our way though, seeing the next phase of FF7 reimagined with cutting-edge PS5 graphics and production values after years of fan anticipation will be an emotional rollercoaster. Strap in for another wild ride!

I hope this ultimate guide clears up the best play order for newcomers to Final Fantasy 7‘s sprawling universe!

While the series has expanded across various games, films and supplemental media since 1997, starting with FF7‘s original PlayStation release is still crucial to appreciate the grandeur and innovation that made it so revolutionary.

From there, the excellent Zack Fair prequel Crisis Core: Reunion enriches backstory before Advent Children ties a bow on lingering threads. Dirge of Cerberus offers hardcore fans extra lore.

Finally, dive into the spectacular Final Fantasy 7 Remake duology, witnessing this landmark classic resuscitated for modern platforms with its story and themes adapted to match. Rebirth kicks this new saga up another notch soon!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other FF7 topics you‘d like to see covered! I‘m always happy to dig deeper into my favorite gaming franchise.

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