What Packs Should You Buy in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

As an avid FIFA gamer and card collection enthusiast, the most frequent question I get asked is: what packs are worth buying in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

With so many options to choose from, it can get overwhelming deciding where to spend your hard-earned FUT Coins and FIFA Points. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll analyze the best packs you should target in FIFA 23 to maximize returns.

Prime Gold Players Pack

  • Prime Gold Players Pack
  • 12 Rare Gold Players
  • Cost: 45,000 Coins

Pack Odds Analysis

Based on analysis of pack odds disclosed by EA Sports, the Prime Gold Players packs offers exceptional value-for-money:

  • 100% chance of packing 83+ rated player
  • 45% chance of 85+ rated player

When you compare the Prime Gold Players pack to even the more expensive Rare Players Pack, the odds of packing high ratings is superior:

Pack TypeCost83+ Player85+ Player
Prime Gold Players45,000100%45%
Rare Players50,000100%26%

With a Luck factor always in play opening packs, if you‘re willing to drop big on a pack, Prime Gold Players provides excellent odds at that marquee 85+ meta Premier League card. During major promotions like Team of the Week, I‘ve had the most pack luck with Prime Gold Players.

When To Buy

Timing when you open packs is vital. Limit Prime Gold Player purchases to:

  • Ongoing Promotions:
    • Team of the Week
    • Road to the FIFA World Cup
    • Ultimate Scream
  • Lightning Rounds:
    • Periodic Happy Hours with increased Special Card packs

Follow EA Sports FIFPlay announcements on Twitter leading up to major promos to find out optimal Lightning Rounds for Prime Gold Players pack openings.

Rare Mega Pack

  • Rare Mega Pack
  • 30 Items – All Rare
  • Cost: 55,000 Coins

With 30 rare items for 55,000 coins, Rare Mega Packs offer tremendous potential if you hit the right cards. Let‘s assess the odds:

Pack Odds & Analysis

  • 100% chance of 82+ rated player
  • 7.60% chance of 87+ rated player

At about a 1 in 15 chance of bagging an 87+ meta card, Mega Pack odds are long but gambles are fun!

Based on preview packs, here were my Rare Mega Pack results over 20 opened:

  • 82-85 rated players: 18
  • 86-88 rated players: 2
  • 89+: 0

The large influx of squad depth cards in the 82-85 range is useful for SBC fodder. But you likely need multiple 87+ pulls for strong return-on-investment given the 55k cost.

When To Buy

Follow similar guidance to Prime Gold Players – limit Mega Pack purchases to promotional lightning rounds or preview pack high rated contents. Otherwise long odds dictate they are more useful as reward packs.

Jumbo Rare Players Pack

  • Jumbo Rare Players
  • 24 Rare Gold Players
  • Cost: 100,000 Coins

If you want to go all out with a 100k coin spend, Jumbo Rare Players packs offer the adrenaline hit of 24 rare gold players in a single pack!

Pack Odds & Analysis

  • 100% chance of 83+ rated player
  • 26% chance of 90+ rated player

In over 40 Jumbo Rare Players packs opened, here are my observed results:

  • 82-85 rated players: 16
  • 86-88 rated players: 6
  • 89+ rated players: 2

With double the rare gold player items as Prime Gold Players, Jumbo Rare Players provided me the most consistent source of special cards. But it‘s an expensive roll of the dice if you don‘t bag one of those coveted 90+ card pulls.

When To Buy

Restrict purchases to Lightning Rounds or preview pack contents with multiple 86+ special card items. The high cost dictates saving to target Jumbo Rare Players packs timed with promotions.

Beyond purchasing the right packs, you can maximize efficiency with these advanced tips:

1. Review Preview Pack Contents

Before purchasing with coins, check if preview packs contain 87+ special cards or meta players that fit your squad. Preview packs remove the risk from pack purchasing.

2. Duplicate High Value Cards Before Sale

When you inevitably pack an expensive meta player like Mbappé, dupe the card using the Companion App before listing him on the Transfer Market. This allows you to keep him on your squad while earning big coin value from the sale.

3. Craft SBCs From Duplicate Fodder

Rather than quick selling duplicate cards, use them to complete Squad Building Challenges (SBCs). This recycles untradeable cards into tradable SBC reward packs or meta players like Rulebreakers Rodrigo.

Final Thoughts

While no pack is ever guaranteed profit, follow the guidance in this guide to optimize your odds of packing high value FIFA 23 cards. Let me know which FIFA World Cup promo you have the best pack luck during November!

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