What percentage of people have the necromancer title Ffxiv?

As a long-time FFXIV player and guide writer, I love analyzing the data around rare achievements in the game. So when it comes to prestigious titles, the incredibly difficult-to-obtain "The Necromancer" immediately comes to mind. But just how rare is it? According to the latest 2023 count on FFXIV Collect, only 0.48% of characters have earned the Necromancer title so far.

The Requirements: Surviving a Solo Gauntlet

Unlike most titles, the Necromancer isn‘t awarded from side quests, PvP feats, or crafting accomplishments. No, it requires completing 1-200 floors of the Palace of the Dead solo, without a single death. This means contending with:

  • Progressively stronger bosses and traps
  • No party members to revive you
  • Losing all progress if you die at any point

As a long-time Palace explorer myself, I can confirm this is one of the most brutal challenges in the entire game. Just reaching Floor 100 solo is an accomplishment – doing that twice over is a whole other beast!

My Own Experiences in this Dungeon Gauntlet

I‘ve made several solo attempts at the Palace myself, curious if I could join the elite Necromancers. My best run ended in heartbreak on Floor 193, to a nasty trap after 12 hours of play. As much as it stung losing all that progress, it gave me an even deeper appreciation for those who have succeeded!

How the Necromancer Title Compares to Other Rare Feats

To analyze just how exclusive the Necromancer title is in FFXIV, let‘s compare it to some other ultra rare achievements, using the latest data from FFXIV Collect:

AchievementOwnership Percentage
Necromancer Title0.48%
Endwalker Lynx Mount1.03%
Ultimate Legend Title2.17%
Legacy Tattoo3.76%

So out of these sampled feats, the Necromancer completion rate is by far the lowest. It‘s less than half the second-rarest Lynx mount, itself from one of FFXIV‘s toughest boss fights!

This shows that fewer than 1 in 200 current players possess the Necromancer title. I can say from experience that it brings immense respect and awe when spotted in cities or duties.

Appreciating Both the Achievement and the Achievers

While I hope to someday join their ranks myself, I have deep appreciation for those dedicated warriors who‘ve managed this solo clear. The Necromancer title signifies not just elite game skill, but incredible patience and perseverance as well.

So next time you see that distinguished title on another player‘s name, take a moment to recognize their accomplishment. The warriors bearing the name Necromancer sit at the very peak of FFXIV mastery!

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