What Personality Type Is Most Likely To Think They‘re Always Right?

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I love analyzing gamer psychographics and delving into gaming personalities. One type that clearly stands out as prone to stubbornness is the ESTJ – the "Executive" archetype. Making up almost 9% of gamers, understanding ESTJs provides insight into a significant segment.

ESTJ Gamers – Logical, Decisive, Inflexible

ESTJ stands for Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. Their core traits make them likely to trust their decisions while dismissing alternate opinions:

  • Objective analysis – More interested in statistics than emotions or intuition. Their decisions feel research-based.
  • Personal accountability – Their strong sense of ownership over choices reinforces confidence.
  • Conventional wisdom – Traditional methods and procedures have evidence; new approaches seem risky.
  • Need for closure – As Thinking and Judging types, they want to decide and move forward.

In gaming contexts, common ESTJ patterns are:

Gaming StrengthExpression
MasteryNumerically optimize character builds/gear
LeadershipResearch encounters to devise group strategy
ComposureLevel-headed under pressure; adept at tactical calls
FocusTunnel vision pursuing most efficient progression path

Blind Spots – Flexibility, Fun, Feelings

However, ESTJs‘ desire for efficiency and measurable progress has blind spots:

  • They dismiss emotions and creative "intangibles" that are hard to quantify.
  • They prioritize order, achievement and competence judgments over exploration.
  • They get frustrated with teammates not adhering to "the plan" or playing suboptimally.

This can suck joy out of gaming which fundamentally should be about fun!

As creators, we need to temper ESTJ directness:

  • Lead with constructive feedback rather than blunt criticism
  • Validate their perspectives but highlight flexibility‘s benefits
  • Empathize with preferences of more creative gamers
  • Remind that efficiency isn‘t everything; enjoy the journey!

So while ESTJs bring helpful strategic leadership as gamers, we should nurture flexibility and fun too!

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