The Rarest and Most Coveted Pokeballs

Among Pokemon‘s wide variety of unique pokeballs, three stand at the pinnacle when it comes to sheer elusiveness: the event-exclusive Cherish Ball, the unpredictably crafted Safari Ball, and the one-of-a-kind Master Ball bestowed to Champions.

Cherish Ball – The Mark of Legendaries

Introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl as a delivery mechanism for special distributions, the Cherish Ball cemented itself as the prime collectible for rarity-obsessed trainers. Its pure red top half visually distinguishes it from standard Pokeballs, but the real prestige comes from its exclusivity.

According to Serebii‘s event database, over 50 different legendary and mythical Pokemon have been offered in Cherish Balls as participation gifts for real-life competitions, movie releases, retailer promotions, and download events over the years – many as one-time distributions.

For example, the recent 2022 World Championship saw victorious finalists take home a rare Cherish Ball Mewtwo. Unlike normal captures, Cherish Ball occupants cannot be bred to produce offspring in that ball. So supply depends wholly on sporadic future distributions determined by The Pokemon Company.

While players can use Action Replay cheats to technically catch anything in Cherish Balls, these hacks are banned from official play and lack the authenticity of real distribution pokemon.

Catch Rate – Cannot normally capture wild pokemon
Origins – Official distributions tied to external events/promotions

Supply – Extensively limited by one-time distribution model
Rarity – 9.5/10

Safari Ball – The White Whale of Crafting

Probably the most inconsistent pokeball to obtain, the Safari Ball follows its own rules separate from all other balls. Despite appearances in the anime and side games, Safari Balls remain largely unseen in the core video game series.

They finally became viable to own in Pokemon Sword and Shield‘s Isle of Armor expansion through the unpredictable Cram-o-Matic. Here, players can combine four items called apricorns for a random chance at special pokeballs like Safari Balls. Still, the probability sits at a measly 1% per four apricorns based on datamining – meaning trainers expect to sink thousands before snagging this elusive variant!

Beyond sheer luck, Safari Balls offer no tangible advantages. But for die-hard collectors, the joy comes simply from completing the full set. The Safari Ball remains a true white whale…one that few are stubborn enough to pursue, but all revere when spotted out in the wild.

Origins: – Obscure RNG-based crafting method with extremely low success rate
Supply: – Extensively limited due to frustrating 1% craft rate

Rarity: – 9/10

Master Ball – The One True Ball

No list of rare balls is complete without the Master Ball. Introduced in Pokemon Red and Blue, this iconic purple-and-white sphere guarantees captures with a 100% success rate against any target. Yet for such unparalleled performance, each new game grants just one Master Ball to claim that coveted mascot legendary.

Serebii documents only 25 distributions of additional Master Balls across all mainline generations – usually as lottery prizes rather than universal gifts. So supply stays remarkably low; even replaying the game fails to renew it unlike most items.

The Master Ball‘s perfect reliability creates a frequent dilemma: when, if ever, to use such an irreplaceable resource? Squandering it lowers future legendary catch security, encouraging reservation. This perhaps explains the one-ball limit – its temptation must not be indulged! Ultimately, each player must weigh their priorities in choosing the moment that one pokemon means enough to deserve that Master ball.

Origins: Special gift from Professor as Champion reward
Supply: Single copy per playthrough with extremely sparse distributions
Rarity: 9/10

Noteworthy Runners-Up

While the Cherish, Safari, and Master balls occupy their own tier, runners-up deserve mention for factors limiting their circulation:

PokeballOriginsRarity Notes
Beast BallGift for fighting Ultra BeastsHigher catch rate against those raids but limited supply
Dream BallInherited by breeding specific event pokemonPrestige from event origin restrictions rather than ball itself
Moon BallLower catch rate than standard; novelty from tie to real moon phasesInteresting gimmick but not as directly limited availability

Why Are These Pokeballs So Rare?

High rarity in Pokemon collector items usually stems from:

  • Limited-time distributions: Creating a closed supply unable to respond to future player demand
  • Impractical acquisition methods: Discouraging pursuit through excessive RNG, complex breeding chains, etc.
  • Cultural prestige: Association with exclusivity from origin (Championship prizes) or performance (Master Ball)

For the Cherish, Safari, and Master Balls, all these factors converge to make availability extremely sporadic. Each possesses its own folklore and weight among seasoned Pokemon veterans for representing certain accomplishments. Newer games continue respecting that prestige by restricting supply.

While fans debate alternatives like the Beast Ball for the #4 rarest spot, none quite match that holy trio for tapping into Pokemon‘s culture of personal journey. Brew your apricorns, keep an eye out for distributions, and save that Master Ball – collecting these rarest balls offers some of the greatest long-term goals for ambitious trainers!

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