Bonding with Your Pokémon – Evolutions by Adventuring Together

As an avid Pokémon trainer, I‘ve built close bonds adventuring with my Pokémon party across many regions. Beyond just gaining experience through battles, some rare Pokémon only evolve by cooperating with them in unique ways!

After much research compiling evolution data, I‘ve discovered the key Pokémon that require you to fulfill special conditions together in order to trigger their advanced forms. Read on for essential tips on obtaining these remarkable evolutions for your squad!

Level Up with Loyalty – Eevee‘s Branching Evolutions

Eevee‘s adorable design and varied evolution potential have made it a fan favorite for decades now. As of Generation VIII, Eevee can evolve into 8 different Pokémon types! Two of those, Espeon and Umbreon, specifically require maxing out friendship with Eevee as you train:


  • Evolve Eevee during the day while it has high friendship
  • Friendship check methods: play with, groom, cook with, walk together
  • Evolves at level up once friendship requirement met


  • Evolve Eevee at night with full friendship
  • Having it hold a Soothe Bell speeds up the process
  • Also evolves when leveled up after friendship maxed

As you can see, both evolutions depend on adventuring with Eevee constantly – keeping it in your active party, using it often in battles, playing mini-games together etc. I‘d recommend tracking friendship growth with the checker NPCs in each game. Once it says Eevee adores you, try leveling it up during the appropriate time and congrats on your new Espeon or Umbreon!

Trade Items to Unlock Beauty – Feebas into Milotic

Discovered in Hoenn, the rather mundane fish Pokémon Feebas only transforms into the majestic sea serpent Milotic under very specific conditions. You‘ll need to boost Feebas‘ Beauty stat high through creative efforts before trading it with the proper item:

Method to Raise Feebas‘ BeautyRequired Item for EvolutionEvolves Into
Feed Blue/Rainbow Pokéblocks (Gen 3)Prism ScaleMilotic
Feed Poffins with high sheen (Gen 4/5)Prism ScaleMilotic

It takes dedication, but the payoff is worth it! Milotic boasts exceptional special defense and access to moves like Recover and Aqua Ring for sustain. Bringing Feebas along on journeys to boost its condition and then trading it with the wondrous Prism Scale will reveal its true potential!

Catch a Dark Partner for Pancham

Another fun case is Pancham, the cute panda Pokémon from the Kalos region. Starting as early as level 32, Pancham can only evolve into the formidable fighting beast Pangoro if a Dark-type Pokémon resides in your party too.

So be sure to catch a Murkrow, Poochyena or other Dark denizen to buddy up with Pancham first! Having that trusty partner alongside Pancham unlocks its inner strength. Pangoro gains the part Dark-type along with boosted offenses to deliver crushing damage.

Explore Together to Grow Brambleghast

In the Paldea region of recent Pokémon Scarlet/Violet games, a brand new multi-stage evolution was introduced – Pawmo into Pawmot into Brambleghast. This adorable bell pepper goat critter evolves by walking together:

PokémonSteps to EvolveEvolves Into
Pawmo1,000 stepsPawmot
Pawmot2,500 more stepsBrambleghast

So make Pawmo your walking buddy early on your Paldea journey! Switch it into your lead as you explore the region to rack up steps together. Keep it by your side to unlock its crunchy, goaty evolutions all the way up to the moss-munching Brambleghast.

There Are So Many More to Discover!

We‘ve only scratched the surface of Pokémon that evolve through special adventuring methods. Others include:

  • Spritzee into Aromatisse via trading with Sachet item
  • Swirlix into Slurpuff via trading with Whipped Dream item
  • Inkay into Malamar by leveling up while switch is upside-down!

I‘m always investigating to expand my knowledge on unusual evolution triggers across Pokémon games new and old. It brings me joy to cooperate with my Pokémon squad to obtain their full potential. I hope these tips help you uncover awesome new partners as we adventure onward!

Let me know which puzzling evolution methods you‘ve tried with your own trusty Pokémon team over the years…

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