Magcargo‘s Shell is Hotter Than the Surface of the Sun at 18,000 Degrees

Pokémon Gold first revealed one of the most staggeringly hot Pokémon to ever be discovered—the blazing hot fire-and-rock type Magcargo, whose body temperature allegedly exceeds 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. To put into perspective, the surface of Earth‘s Sun barely scrapes 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Just what exactly is going on with this molten snail?

As a passionate Pokémon gamer and content creator, I am dedicated to uncovering the truth behind Magcargo‘s scorching temperature. When the Pokédex confronts us with something as extreme as a living creature hotter than the Sun itself, it both captures our imagination and creates endless head-scratching as we try to reconcile fantasy with reality.

In this article, I‘ll analyze Magcargo‘s heat in depth, see how it stacks up to the highest real-world temperatures, rank it amongst other hot Pokémon, and explore the implications of gaming with a virtually living lava flow. Got your Heat Rocks and Burn Heals ready? Let‘s unravel the mysteries of Marvelous Magcargo!

Thorough Analysis of Magcargo‘s Extreme Heat

According to every printed Magcargo Pokédex entry across multiple Generations of games, this unique Pokémon‘s body temperature is not just high—it is consistently listed at a whopping 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit:

"Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames that circulate throughout its body. [Magcargo‘s] body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit." – Crystal Pokédex

"Magcargo‘s shell is actually its skin that hardened as a result of cooling. Its shell is very brittle and fragile – just touching it causes it to crumble apart. This Pokémon returns to its original size by dipping itself in magma. Magcargo‘s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees Fahreneheit, so don‘t underestimate it." – Omega Ruby Pokédex

Game Freak is clearly adamant that Magcargo‘s internal temperature exceeds the Sun‘s surface temperature by almost double! What biological wizardry must be at play for Magcargo to achieve and survive such blistering heat without evaporating on the spot? Fans have some theories:

  • Magma blood: Perhaps instead of water-based blood, Magcargo has actual molten magma-like plasma pumping through its veins that enables such high temperatures.

  • Hardened lava shell: Its cooled external armor may act as a containment vessel, allowing Magcargo‘s internal lava lake environment to exceed the shell‘s temperature.

  • Chemical combustion: Some process like rapid oxidation of metabolic fuel could be occurring within Magcargo, meaning it is burning inside!

While we may never know the true physics-defying biology behind Magcargo, we can firmly situate its temperature against measurable real-world extremes:

Hottest TemperaturesDegrees FahrenheitDegrees Celsius
Surface of the Sun~10,000~5,500
Lightning bolt~50,000~27,700
Magcargo (Pokédex)~18,000~9,982
Acetylene torch burn~3,500~1927
Hottest flame (Dicyanoacetylene)~6,000~3,315

Compared to the benchmarks of the lightning bolt and chemical flames, Magcargo‘s 18,000°F body would:

  • Boil water instantly on contact, turning it to steam
  • Glow with extreme brightness visible for miles if uncovered
  • Ignite any combustible material like wood or cotton instantly
  • Melt through most metals within seconds

Truly, Magcargo‘s stable body heat seems to defy every known law of thermodynamics! Perhaps its mollusk heritage traces back to a thermal vent deep in volcanic trenches, adapting it overtime to extraordinary extremes of temperature.

Now…could any component of the actual Sun exceed Magcargo‘s reported 18,000 degrees? Let‘s investigate!

Hotter Than the Sun‘s Core? Corona?

The Sun‘s energy originates from its core where nuclear fusion converts hydrogen into helium, releasing enormous energy as radiation. Current solar models estimate the temperature at the Sun‘s core to be about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. So while much hotter than Magcargo, the Sun‘s core is not directly exposed to space and remains deep underground.

The Sun‘s outer atmosphere (the corona) on the other hand has temperatures exceeding 1 million degrees Fahrenheit—vastly higher than the surface. But despite far thinner gases, the extreme UV and X-ray radiation emitted fail to translate into tangible heat that threatens to melt materials.

So when direct exposure and contact is considered, no measurable part of the Sun exceeds Magcargo‘s stated 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit skin contact temperature. Very unbelievable!

Now that we‘ve firmly established Magcargo as hotter than the Sun itself, where does it rank among the world‘s hottest Pokémon?

Top 5 Hottest Pokémon by Temperature

After scouring the Pokédex, here are the 5 fiery Pokémon with the highest stated body temperatures:

5. Heat Rotom – Alleged to heat itself to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, this Electric/Fire-type Rotom manifestation may focus all its plasma energy into heating its electrified body.

4. Litwick – Uses an internal flame for life energy, with wax melting point suggesting over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Charizard – Tail flame described as having temperatures hot enough to melt boulders, reasonably placing it well over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Camerupt – Volcano Pokémon with documented magma temperature measured at 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit when erupting.

But our #1 hottest Pokémon, is of course…

Our blazing hot molten snail Magcargo, with its trusted 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit! This slug‘s own stable body temperature exceeds all records, placing it firmly atop the list of hot Pokémon. I certainly have a newfound respect and healthy fear of Magcargo anytime I encounter one during a Pokémon battle!

The Implications of Battling with Liquid Lava

Let‘s have some fun by imagining what it would mean to actually battle and train a living volcano like Magcargo in real life.

If unleashed by an unwise Pokémon trainer, Magcargo could instantly:

  • Torch forests & villages: Magcargo could spark raging wildfires or easily raze whole towns if it crawled around.

  • Befoul water sources: Drinking water would be contaminated with toxic minerals leeched from Magcargo‘s body.

  • Smoke out cities: Metropolitan areas could experience deadly soupy smog from all Magcargo‘s steam and smoke.

Of course, the dim witted sluggish movement of Magcargo gives residents plenty of time to evacuate from the impending razing of their homes by flowing lava. Maybe just douse it in enough water to solidify the lava into harmless obsidian before the water vaporizes!

Perhaps the Champion Cynthia keeps Ground-type Pokémon in every team specifically to counter the regional threat of criminal teams weaponizing Magcargo for acts of wanton destruction!

All silly scenarios aside, the intent here is to have some lighthearted fun envisioning implications of literal "monster capture" children‘s games manifested into reality.

In Conclusion

If the Pokédex is to be trusted, Magcargo‘s stable body temperature factually exceeds the Sun‘s surface temperature by nearly double at 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit . Through scientific analysis and comparisons to the highest recorded temperatures on Earth, I have established Magcargo as hottest Pokémon currently in existence (GameFreak, please don‘t make any hotter)!

While the biological and thermodynamic feats allowing Magcargo to achieve such heat remain shrouded in mystery, I had fun leveraging such extreme stats to imagine hypothetical real-world impacts. When the games we play present us with such extraordinary magnitudes, it stretches our imagination to reconcile fantasy with reality.

Thanks for joining me on this journey down Magcargo‘s rabbit hole of extreme heat. Let me know your wildest theories about this blazing hot Pokémon! What realistically could be hotter? LMK in the comments!

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