The Shocking Rise of Gaming‘s New Career

You might have scoffed just 10 years ago at the idea of playing Fortnite or Call of Duty professionally. But today, the esports industry rakes in over $1 billion annually – and top gamers make million-dollar salaries. Welcome to the world of "pros pro:" competitive gaming‘s elite.

So what exactly does "pros pro" mean? Put simply, these gamers play video games full-time as their career. They train for hours daily to compete in tournaments for huge cash prizes, while being salaried by pro teams and sponsored by major brands.

From "For" to Fortnite: A Pro‘s Etymology

The word "pro" has an apt origin story. Coming from Latin, "pro" first meant "forward" or "for." So pros actively push progress in their field.

This etymology evolved into sports and gaming…

proSupporting excellence; highest tier of skill
prosPlural form; multiple professional athletes/gamers
pros proCompound form; emphasizes the role and skills of a professional

So while amateurs play for fun, "pros pro" devote their careers to competitive gaming – training to remain at the top.

An Industry Exploding in Size

Let‘s examine the juggernaut esports has become in raw numbers:

YearTotal RevenueTotal Viewership
2017$655 million335 million
2019$950 million436 million
2021$1.38 billion532 million

These figures put the scale of pro gaming into focus. Top esports tournaments like LoL Worlds or Dota 2‘s The International offer multi-million dollar prizes – vastly outpacing most traditional competitions.

With such money flooding the scene, players are driven to meet intense expectations. Pros commit 60-80 hour weeks analyzing film, strategizing with coaches, and grinding training games to elevate their skills.

The growth shows no signs of slowing either…analysts predict we‘ll see $2.5 billion in total revenue by 2024.

As an early esports fan myself, I‘ve loved watching competitive gaming blossom into sustainable careers. Top pros now have the platform to demonstrate immense dedication and mastery.

An Inside Look: Life As An Esports Pro

So what‘s a normal day for a League of Legends pro? No snoozing ‘til noon here…

  • 8 AM: Team breakfast and strategy review
  • 10 AM: Pro scrimmages against other elite teams
  • 12 PM: Lunch/break
  • 1 PM: Individual skill drills and training exercises
  • 5 PM: Data analytics and film study
  • 8 PM: Group battle simulation matches
  • 11 PM: Personal practice games

Compare this rigorous schedule to a recreational player‘s regime of casually logging on after school or work. The professional commitment requires intense focus, critical thinking, and split-second reflexes honed through years of repetition.

Former Dota 2 pro Charlie "Monolith" Thomson compared his experience to "studying game film more intensely than any football player and having a faster reaction time than an Olympic fencer."

Yet for top players like Charlie, this grueling path pays off with invitations to elite competitions. Here, pros put their skills on display for millions of viewers…and hundreds of thousands in prizes.

Why Esports Matters

Competitive gaming remains misunderstood by outsiders as a waste of time or sign of immaturity.

In reality, the mental acuity pros develop applies across fields. Vital skills like:

  • Rapid Decision-Making
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Risk Assessment
  • Team Coordination

These talents drive innovation in engineering, business, medicine, and beyond.

Additionally, collegiate esports programs provide new academic opportunities. Schools in every conference from SEC to Ivy League have added varsity gaming teams – bringing in scholarships and career mentoring.

So take pride, fellow gamers, when you watch the best of the best compete as "pros pro!" Their non-stop grind pays tribute to gaming‘s unique ability to teach strategy, focus, and passion for excellence against all odds.

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