The Best Races for Playing a Paladin in Dungeons & Dragons

If you want to play an optimized paladin in your D&D campaign, your race selection matters greatly. As an experienced player and Dungeon Master who has seen paladins in action, I recommend half-elves as the best race option due to their Charisma increase and flexible ability score bonuses. However, several other races like humans, dragonborn, and aasimar also make excellent paladins when you build them properly.


Half-elves are born leaders thanks to their innate charm and diplomatic skills. With the half-elf‘s +2 Charisma bonus and two +1s to any other ability scores, they have the best racial traits to boost paladin effectiveness.

My last D&D group had a half-elf paladin who put one +1 into Strength and the other into Constitution. With 20 Charisma at level 8, he was landing key spell attacks like Branding Smite and Banishing Smite more consistently, turning battles with their secondary effects. His high saves DC also made his paladin aura effects more potent.

According to data crunched from over 50,000 D&D Beyond character sheets:

  • 33% of half-elf paladins boost Charisma to 18 at level 1 compared to just 15% of human paladins.
  • Half-elves have a 13% higher chance to start with 16+ Strength than humans.

So while humans get a starting feat, half-elves keep up just fine attribute-wise. They make smarter long-term paladin builds focused on the class‘s key abilities.

Best Half-Elf Paladin Subclass

With such natural leadership talents, Oath of Glory is perfect for half-elves to inspire allies while also smiting foes in melee combat. Oath of Redemption and Oath of the Crown also work thematically if playing a more peaceful or loyal paladin.


You can never go wrong with human versatility, making them another top-tier paladin race. The extra 1st level feat obtained by humans lets them grab heavy armor and weapon mastery faster with Heavily Armored and Heavy Armor Master. I‘ve also seen some nasty human paladin builds utilizing the Great Weapon Master and Polearm Master combo.

Human paladins also benefit greatly from the Inspiring Leader feat for mass temporary HP. Combined with their extra skill proficiency at character creation, humans have the tools to produce master battle captains or persuasive diplomats.

Best Human Paladin Subclass

For an upfront assault paladin that protects the party, Oath of Devotion works perfectly. But humans can also excel as Oathbreaker and Vengeance paladins if your campaign allows for brooding anti-heroes.


Boasting the highest natural Strength modifier among player races, dragonborn paladins make brutal weapons of war. Their +2 to Strength meshes well with great weapon builds that cleave enemies in twain.

Back during the Tyranny of Dragons storyline, our party included a dragonborn paladin sworn to Bahamat via the Oath of Vengeance. Once enlarged to huge size, he decimated legions of cultists and lesser dragons.

According to 2018D&D Reddit data on most played races:

  • 17% of dragonborn characters are paladins – the 3rd highest percentage after fighter and cleric.

So while less popular than humans and elves at most tables, dragonborn paladins have a strong niche among power gamers.

Best Dragonborn Paladin Subclass

Any paladin oath works well for dragonborn. But to tap into their draconic heritage both thematically and mechanics-wise, I recommend the Oath of Conquest to terrify enemies or Oath of Vengeance to hunt down evildoers without mercy.


Descended from celestial bloodlines, aasimar bear an innate conviction that pairs nicely with a paladin‘s righteous crusade. Volo‘s Guide provides fantastic paladin-friendly racial variants like:

  • +1 Wisdom & +2 Charisma Protector Aasimar
  • +1 Strength & +2 Charisma Scourge Aasimar

Their Healing Hands and Radiant Soul traits also perfectly complement paladin auras and healing abilities.

While most popular as divine spellcasters, 17% of aasimar make stalwart paladin defenders according to D&D Beyond data. Their angelic abilities literally let them transform into beacons of light against darkness.

Best Aasimar Paladin Subclass

Oath of Devotion fits most protector aasimar as emblems of justice and virtue. However, Oath of Conquest and Oath of Vengeance work better for scourge aasimar embracing their more aggressive nature to overwhelm opponents.

Other Notable Races

While half-elves, humans, dragonborn, and aasimar make the best paladin race options, a few others deserve mention:
Dwarves – Their +2 Constitution increases durability. Excellent for tanking hits.
Half-orcs – Savage Attacks provide nice damage spikes when critting.
Tieflings – The +2 Charisma suits paladin spellcasting despite their demonic origins.

When weighing your paladin race choice, prioritize Charisma first, then Strength or Constitution depending on your combat role. Bring righteous fury to the battlefield as a dragonborn conquest paladin or inspire greatness in allies as a protagonist half-elf glory paladin. Either way, your party will welcome a holy warrior upholding justice through faith and unmatched prowess at arms!

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