Kitana Belongs to the Mystical Edenian Race

As an avid Mortal Kombat player and content creator, I get asked often—"what race is Kitana?" Well, Princess Kitana hails from the magical realm of Edenia and belongs to the advanced, humanoid Edenian species. Don‘t mistake her for a human from Earthrealm!

The Mysterious Edenian Race

Edenians resemble humans but possess vastly superior strength, speed, combat abilities and magical powers. They are among the most mystical races in the realms. Most identifying, Edenians live for tens of thousands of years with unbelievably slow aging processes.

Compared to the average 70-year human lifespan, Kitana is over 10,000 years old in Mortal Kombat XI (2019)! Yet she maintains her smooth complexion and svelte figure through the centuries. Pretty good for someone older than human civilization!

Edenians also have innate mystical talents. Kitana can teleport instantly, turn invisible at-will, and control wind currents to lift or batter opponents. Imagine dueling against teleportation and air dashes! No wonder many players spam her “Fan Lift” attack – that flying kick crosses screen so fast!

||Race Comparison Table||
|Race|Lifespan|Special Abilities|
|Human|70-80 years|None|
|Tarkatan|Unknown, likely centuries|Arm blades, fast mutation|
|Edenian|10,000+ years|Magic powers, slower aging|

Unlike clunky Earthrealm fighters, graceful Edenian kombat feels almost like dancing as they teleport around adversaries with magical finesse. Watching Kitana phase in-and-out to avoid attacks really showcases Edenian agility and mystical talents!

So in summary – Edenians are extremely long-lived sorcerers with superhuman physical gifts tailored towards artful fighting styles. Perfect for 10,000+ years of training!

Kitana‘s Hybrid Origins

Actually, Kitana has mixed genetic heritage. Originally, evil emperor Shao Kahn claimed Kitana as his daughter and raised her as a loyal heir. But Kitana later learned she belonged to Edenia’s former monarchs, King Jerrod and Queen Sindel.

The prodigal princess also has traces of Tarkatan DNA, the vampirish nomad race with arm blades and sharp fangs. Clone “sister” Mileena was created through fusing Kitana‘s Edenian genes with Tarkatan monster blood.

Perhaps Tarkatan heritage partly explains Kitana’s vicious fighting instincts using razor fans and biting Kiss of Death fatalities! However, Kitana remains firmly Edenian in appearance and aligns nobly with her Edenian heritage.

That hybrid background gifts Kitana diversity in kombat styles. As both Edenian royalty and Shao Kahn’s heir, she wields authority and fighting techniques from multiple races and realms. Kitana complements elegant Edenian grace with violent Outworld mercilessness!

10,000 Years of Ever-Evolving History

Having existed for millennia before humankind, Edenian culture unsurprisingly centers magic and longevity over technology and advancement. Unlike our ephemeral lifespans, Edenians develop patiently over centuries without rushing discoveries.

In fact, Kitana remembers battling Tarkatans in ancient wars thousands of years ago. Her personal history stretches nearly as long as all civilization on Earthrealm!

Imagine all the kombat training and arcane studies Kitana has undergone across her 10,000+ years. No wonder she has mastered mystical powers, weapons skills, and deadly martial arts to near perfection!

Through the eras, Kitana watched realms shift radically in power and politics. Once heir to Shao Kahn’s conquests, she later led rebellions against his despotic rule. That takes conviction and courage over such a long life!

Most remarkably, Kitana freed Edenia from Outworld merging after millennia of subjugation. By overthrowing Shao Kahn, this princess restored her people’s self-rule and rich cultural heritage nearly destroyed under his oppression.

So while early Mortal Kombat portrayals emphasize Kitana’s beauty, later games reveal her stately leadership and warrior perseverance honed over 10,000 eventful years!

Indeed, Kitana‘s fascinating racial history helps explain her regal bearing, multicultural fluency, and razor sharp blades fans. Let us delve further into MK’s incredible fictionolgy and lush racial landscapes!

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