The Dragonborn Has No Canonical Race – But Here‘s Why Nord Makes Sense

Let‘s address the troll in the room right away: there is no defined canonical race for the Last Dragonborn protagonist in Skyrim. With complete player customization around race and gender, they are intentionally left ambiguous in the broader lore. But that doesn‘t mean examining how certain races fit thematically isn‘t interesting! As a hardcore TES fan, I have plenty of thoughts on the debate.

Why Race is Left Up to the Player

Before arguing for Nord or other races, it‘s important to understand why after established Dragonborn like Alessia, Talos, and Miraak having set backgrounds, Skyrim‘s hero is a blank slate. Here‘s game director Todd Howard on the decision:

"Ultimately we leave the player to their own imagination. The technology allows us to do that more than when we tried with past games. I think that‘s the strength of our system – it feels personalized."

This ethos of player freedom and imagining your own character narrative is key to Elder Scrolls roleplaying. Without set motivations and backstories, our imaginations run wild creating our own legends.

So while Nord culture reveres the Dragonborn as saviors and Tongues, roleplayers argue just being Dragon-blooded empowers the hero to rise to the challenge in saving Tamriel, regardless of race.

Arguments for Each Playable Race

Even Todd implied playing as other races allows for compelling self-determined stories. As a thought experiment, let‘s analyze arguments for each race thematically fitting the Dragonborn role:


Historical Precedent

Famous Past DragonbornRace
AlessiaNede (Proto-Human)
Reman CyrodiilUnknown, Imperial City Founder
Tiber SeptimNord
  • 90% of known Dragonborn are Nords from Skyrim
  • Cultural lore is intrinsically tied to Nord history
  • Make pilgrimage to High Hrothgar to follow steps of history‘s great Nord heroes


Unity & Balance of Tamriel Argument

  • Reman Cyrodiil (possibly Imperial) united Tamriel under 2nd Empire
  • Chance for patriotic Imperial Dragonborn to rebuild fractured Empire
  • Mixed heritage represents alliance between races against Alduin


Ancestral Heroes Argument

  • Redguards highly value ancestry and legacy
  • Last scion of a line of warriors upholding their forebears
  • Sword singing discipline synergizes with the Voice


Magic Mastery Argument

  • With dragon souls amplifying inborn magical talents, mastery of all Arkane arts
  • Channel energies to become ultimate mystic knight or spellsword
  • Part mer-blood explains innate talent bonding with Dragons

And so on for the remaining races! Playing as an Elvish Dragonborn explores tension around humankind‘s savior being a Mer. Or for Argonians, a former enslaved beast race uprising as legends.

So What are the Most Lore-Friendly Races Then?

Analyzing known Dragonborn of history and culture around them:

  1. Nord – Nearly all historical figures were Nords from Skyrim. Their lore intrinsically ties around Nordic totems, heroes, and prophecy around fighting Alduin.
  2. Imperial – Mixed human heritage represents alliance between Tamriel races against Dragons. Chance to rebuild fractured Empire.
  3. Breton – Part mer-blood helps explain innate magical talents and ease mastering the Voice and Thu‘um.
  4. Redguard – Honor bound warrior-historians upholding their ancestor‘s legacy. Sword singing complements the Voice.
  5. Dark Elf – Dunmer born under prophecies and live under their weight. Nerevar reborn parallel. Counter Alduin impending doom.
  6. High Elf – Insatiable drive for power and perfection. Being Dragonborn only elevates mystical talents to demigod status.
  7. Wood Elf – Oneness with all living things and nature lends understanding of Dovah language.
  8. Argonian – Tribal shamans revere the hist. Proud Saxhleel refuses being looked down on by even dragons.
  9. Orsimer – Orcs respect only strength. Being Dragonborn makes them ultimate warrior worthy of respect.
  10. Khajiit – Nomads following destiny‘s path laid out by Azurah. Dragonblood gifts insight greater than the moons.

In Conclusion – While Nord is arguably the most narratively fitting choice backed by Tamriel‘s history and culture, that doesn‘t invalidate other races from forging their own unique personal Canon. Restaurant patron Borik Windhelm sums up this viewpoint best:

"Never heard of an Elf Dragonborn? That‘s because there‘s never been one! Sure, go ahead and try though. Someone has to be first."

What race did you choose for your Dragonborn and why? Share your perspectives below!

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