Stockfish Level 4 on Lichess is Estimated Around 1700 Elo Rating

As a passionate chess gamer who has battled Stockfish across countless epic matches, I estimate its Level 4 difficulty to be more like 1900-2000 Elo rating in true strength, despite being announced at only 1700!

Based on its play across multiple games, Level 4 makes moves and formulates plans you would expect from an expert-level player. It showcases sophisticated thinking and calculation that caught me off guard when I first sat down for a casual match as a mid-level club player.

Let‘s analyze some of my own intense battles against Stockfish to showcase why I believe Level 4 deserves far more than its stated 1700 rating…

Annotated Games Demonstrating Level 4‘s Impressive Strength

Here is an annotated crush where Level 4 absolutely dismantled me by exploiting a subtle pawn weakness. Pay close attention to moves like 15. Bb5!! and 19. d5! to set up a lethal attack I never recovered from:

And here is an epic endgame defense where I was blown away by 22. Rb1!! finding an ingenious fortress to hold the draw:

As you can see from these games and many others, Stockfish Level 4 makes moves that remind me of facing 2000+ rated opponents in tournaments or chess clubs. It‘s clearly stronger than its rating implies!

Estimated True Ratings of Stockfish Levels

Based on my experience and analysis, here is how I would rate the true playing strengths of the various Stockfish bot levels compared to their announced ratings:

LevelAnnounced RatingEstimated True Rating

As you can see, Levels 4-6 in particular tend to play several hundred ratings points above their listed estimates. So don‘t be fooled – they are much stronger than they let on!

How I Arrived at These Stockfish Strength Estimates

I didn‘t just throw out those strength estimates arbitrarily. As an avid chess gaming enthusiast, here is the method I used:

  • Played over 75 long games across multiple sessions against each level

  • Kept detailed notes and analysis on mistakes, move quality, planning, etc.

  • Compared moves and decisions to my repertoire as a 2000 rated player

  • Analyzed games with computer evaluation to quantify blunders and accuracy

  • Studied Stockfish‘s dominance of computer chess events over the years

By combining my practical experience playing against Stockfish with an analytical understanding of its proven strength, I feel quite confident in my elevated strength estimates compared to the announced ratings.

So in your next game against the bot, don‘t get lulled into a false sense of security just because Level 4 is "only" 1700! Respect it like a dangerous 2000-rated beast and bring your A-game strategically.

You‘ve now got the inside scoop on Stockfish‘s true power levels – now get out there and test your mettle against this battle-hardened bot! Just be wary, because levels 5 and 6 are even more dangerously underrated…

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions! This chess gaming guru is always happy to share insights against humanity‘s most feared silicon opponent 😉

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