What resolution does Wii U output?

The maximum resolution supported by the Wii U console is 1080p (1920 x 1080). This allows gorgeous high definition games and media when connected over HDMI.

While the system can fill a 1080p display, games themselves render at various resolutions – some natively at 1080p and others at 720p. Let‘s explore the Wii U‘s graphics capabilities…

Native Resolution vs Upscaling

Native resolution refers to the actual number of pixels rendered by a game or application before upscaling.

The Wii U supports the following native resolutions:

  • 1080p (1920 x 1080)
  • 720p (1280 x 720)
  • 480p (852 x 480)

Upscaling is the process of stretching lower native resolutions to fill higher resolution displays.

For example, a native 720p game can be upscaled to fill a 1080p screen. While not true 1080p, this can still look excellent.

Now let‘s see how various Wii U games utilize both native resolution and upscaling.

Wii U Games – Native Resolutions

Here are the native resolutions for some popular Wii U titles:

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GameNative ResolutionAverage FPS
Super Smash Bros. Wii U1080p60
Mario Kart 8720p60
New Super Mario Bros. U1080p60
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild720p30
Assassin‘s Creed IV: Black Flag720p30

As we can see, first-party Nintendo titles designed specifically for Wii U like Smash Bros tend to fully utilize 1080p. But some third party ports operate at 720p.

In real world usage though, 720p scales very well to 1080p displays, with rich colors and crisp text.

Now how does the Wii U graphical power compare to other consoles?

Graphics Comparison – PS4, Xbox One, Switch

The Wii U uses a GPU based on AMD‘s Radeon R700 architecture, launched in 2011. This puts it between the Xbox 360 and Xbox One in terms of graphics capability.

While older, the Wii U can still achieve gorgeous visuals through art direction. Titles like Super Mario 3D World pop with color and creativity.

But compared to the PS4 and Xbox One, the Wii U‘s last-gen CPU limited ports of games like Call of Duty, Assassin‘s Creed. These struggled to maintain FPS and resolution parity without visual downgrades compared to PS4/Xbox One editions.

The Nintendo Switch uses a newer custom Nvidia Tegra SoC, achieving improved efficiency, boosted handheld graphics and greater portability innovations compared to Wii U.

Could we see future games better leverage the Wii U‘s GPU power?

Looking Ahead – Better Utilizing Wii U Graphics

While no longer Nintendo‘s flagship device, the Wii U retains impressive graphical capabilities for a 2012 console.

As developers further optimize engines and assets for its hardware, I think we could see more titles natively run at 1080p/60fps down the road. The console has already seen long term performance boosts over time via updates.

Nintendo could still take advantage of these specs to bring Wii U exclusives into parity with Switch visually. Potentially with franchises like Metroid, Kid Icarus or Pikmin.

Do you think developers could better tap into Wii U‘s dormant power over time? I‘d love to hear your thoughts!

Now let‘s recap the key resolution specs…

Wii U Resolution Summary

Maximum Supported Output: 1080p
Native Game Resolutions: 1080p, 720p or 480p
Upscales Lower Resolutions: Yes, to 1080p

While the Wii U can fill a 1080p screen, actual game rendering resolution varies. Getting solid performance at native 1080p requires power optimization tailored specifically to the console.

First party titles like Smash Bros or Super Mario 3D World shine as great examples of the Wii U‘s graphical prowess when fully tapped.

I hope this analysis gives you an idea of how the Wii U performs graphically! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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