What should I invest in before the Life Invader mission?

As an avid GTA fan diving back into the epic single player lately, I wanted to share an awesome way to make bank right at the start by playing the stock market. Before you embark on Lester‘s first assassination mission targeting Life Invader CEO Jay Norris, invest wisely and you can net over $500 million for each character! This will let you splash some serious cash around Los Santos.

Let‘s dig into the best moves to make:

Back eCola While Life Invader Takes a Dive

Hands down the most profitable play is to go all in on eCola (ECL) – Life Invader‘s main soda rival. Here are the steps:

  1. Invest every cent Franklin, Michael and Trevor have into buying up eCola stock
  2. Complete the mission and watch Life Invader‘s share price tank from around $70 to pennies
  3. Wait for eCola to peak after benefiting from reduced competition – usually around 3-5 in-game days
  4. Cash out big time! Expect up to 100% returns on your eCola investment

To give you an idea, in my last playthrough I started with $180k total across my trio. After waiting for the surge, I sold my eCola for a sweet $350k return. Just for a few clicks and a fun story mission!

Life Invader Stock is Toxic – Steer Clear!

With their CEO getting exploded, Life Invader‘s stock becomes utterly worthless. Don‘t make the rookie move of investing in LIB before this mission if you want to make any money. I learned this the hard way early on!

StockStart PriceLow Point
Life Invader (LIB)$70$3

As you can see, you‘d lose over 95% of your investment. Leave Life Invader alone and put your cash into their rising competitors instead!

Save Up at Least $500k For Each Character

To fully maximize profits, I recommend having at least $500k available for each character before kicking off the Life Invader fireworks. This will let you sink millions intohot stocks like eCola.

The more money Franklin, Michael and Trevor invest, the higher your returns. It just takes longer to see big gains. With $1.5 million combined invested, I‘ve earned up to $15 million total after waiting for stocks to peak days later!

Use All 3 Characters to Invest More Funds

An advantage of GTA V‘s three playable protagonists is that each one can invest in stocks separately. So for all your portfolio moves, make sure to use Franklin, Michael and Trevor!

Tripling your investments this way and coordinating their brokerage accounts before missions lets you make ridiculous returns compared to using just one character.

Wait Patiently for Stocks to Peak After Missions

Patience pays off big time in the GTA market. Wait several in-game days after the Life Invader plunge for your shares to reach maximum value before cashing out.

For example, eCola usually peaks around 72 hours (3 GTA days) later. I just make sure to sleep and save my game often to advance time faster.

This delayed gratificationapproach nets you way higher returns than panic selling right after the initial stock swings. Trust me, it‘s worth letting your investments marinate!

Reinvest Your Earnings to Keep Profits Flowing

As you complete the assassination missions, remember to reinvest your earnings to quickly build an economic empire!

Follow my guides to maximize returns from Lester‘s later stock tips. Before you know it, you‘ll have so much money you won‘t know what to do with it all!

Well, besides buying every business, vehicle, weapon and property possible. Hey, I‘ve gotta live out all my GTA fantasies, know what I mean?

So that covers the best way to make bank fast right out the gate with the Life Invader heist. Let me know if this guide helps you stack those GTA dollars! Always happy to chat game strategies and share more insider tips.

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