What Should You Do With Legendary Animals in RDR2? Take Them To The Trapper!

Without a doubt, legendary animals hunted in Red Dead Redemption 2 should be taken to the Trapper. He is a unique merchant that can use legendary pelts to craft special garments with bonus effects for Arthur Morgan – making your efforts obtaining these rare hides truly worthwhile.

Why Legendary Hunting Matters For Uniqueness

Legendary animals are the rarest of spawns with set habitats across the world map. Taking them down requires learning their locations, patterns, and combat tactics. But sistema rewards for overcoming these epic hunts come in the form of Trapper crafts made from legendary pelts. These outfits and talismans provide attribute bonuses unrivaled by other clothing items in RDR2.

Legendary gear buffs stamina, health, damage reduction, environmental protection, and more. So harvesting a Legendary Pronghorn pelt unlocks the unique Huntsman Vest with a +2 health fortification. Definitely worth hunting down!

Locating The Trapper‘s Crafting Outposts

While the Trapper moves between temporary camps, he has 7 permanent locations that reliably offer legendary crafting:

West of Van Horn Trading PostNortheast Ambarino
South of Elysian PoolNorthwestern Roanoke Ridge
Saint Denis (near fast travel post)Bayou Nwa
Riggs StationWestern Lemoyne
StrawberryBig Valley region
Rathskeller ForkScarlett Meadows, Lemoyne
Tumbleweed (near fast travel post)Gaptooth Ridge, New Austin

As Arthur‘s journey progresses and areas are unlocked, more of the Trapper‘s outposts open up for legendary crafting.

Legendary Gear Crafted From Epic Hunts

Obtaining certain legendary pelts enables the crafting of these amazing garments:

  • Legendary Bear Head Hat
  • Legendary Beaver Flop Hat
  • Legendary Ram Coat
  • Legendary Buck Vest
  • Legendary Fox Moccasin
  • Legendary Elk Range Gloves
  • Legendary Tatanka Bison Pelt Half Chaps
  • Legendary Boar & Bull Fowlers
  • Legendary Cougar Cavalry Gloves
  • Legendary Wolf Coat

Top bonuses provided include +6 health fortification from the Bear Coat, 50% increased duration for Eagle Eye from the Fox Moccasin, and reduced stamina drain speed with the Cougar Gloves.

These handsome rewards demonstrate why securing legendary pelts for the Trapper may be RDR2‘s pinnacle challenge!

Optimizing Your Legendary Hunts

Every legendary animal has unique tactics and recommended weapons for clean kills:

AnimalWeak SpotsPreferred Weapons
Legendary BisonHead, chestRolling Block Rifle
Legendary CougarHead, heartBow with poison arrows

And in terms of pure difficulty, here is how the legendary beasts compare:

DifficultyLegendary Animals
ExtremeTatanka Bison, Iguga Cougar
HighCross Fox, Ota Fox, Snow Buck
ModerateMud Runner Buck, Ridgeback Spirit Bear

From my experience, always watch your surroundings and keep weapons locked and loaded! Legendary spawns vanish quickly once startled.

Handling Legendary Carcasses After Skinning

Once you skin the legendary animal, the carcass itself has little use for crafting and can be abandoned. Only pelts are required by the Trapper. Useful meat, bones, etc can still be harvested beforehand if desired.

Amazingly, even discarded pelts from accidentally killed or lost legendary animals will still be automatically forwarded to the Trapper for later crafting access. So your efforts hunting are never wasted!

To fully reap the rewards from prestigious legendary hunts in RDR2, ensure every pelt acquired makes its way to the Trapper soon as possible. This unique merchant unlocks handsome garments with impactful attribute bonuses – making him a legendary hunter‘s best friend!

Optimizing your takedown tactics while exploring his accessible locations will all make grabbing those game-changing crafting items much smoother.

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