The Gewehr M.95 Sniper – The Top Damage Dealing Sniper in Battlefield 1

As a long-time Battlefield fan and expert sniper, I get asked a lot about which sniper rifle reigns supreme when it comes to raw damage and lethality. After extensive testing and hands-on gameplay with all the top contenders, I can definitively say the Gewehr M.95 Sniper stands above the rest as the sniper that dishes out the most destruction in Battlefield 1.

Unmatched Stopping Power

The key stats that make the Gewehr M.95 so devastating:

  • Max Damage: 100
  • Sweet Spot Range: 30-80 meters
  • Muzzle Velocity: 760 m/s

With its ability to deal a one-shot kill up to 80 meters, the M.95‘s combination of damage and range cannot be matched by any other sniper. I‘ve found most combat happens within 100 meters, making the Gewehr‘s sweet spot ideal for domination.

The Gewehr‘s superior ballistics also make hitting targets easier than slower rifles like the Russian 1895. While re-chambering straight pull bolts limits rate of fire, in the right hands this thing unleashes a stream of death with well-placed shots.

How It Compares to Other Top Snipers

The Gewehr has its tradeoffs, but still outshines other top options:


  • More rounds and faster cycling with bolt action
  • But weaker sweet spot only up to 75 meters

Russian 1895

  • Better long range due to slower velocity
  • Much tougher to use under 80 meters compared to Gewehr


  • Devastating max 100 damage as well
  • But very slow muzzle velocity and only sweet to 30 meters

While other rifles have small advantages, none combine stopping power AND medium range sweet spot like the Gewehr M95 for battlefield domination.

The Gewehr M.95 By the Numbers

Here‘s a data table showing how the Gewehr‘s damage and range adding up to #1 lethality:

RifleMax DamageSweet Spot RangeMuzzle Velocity
Gewehr M.95 Sniper10030-80 meters760 m/s
SMLE MKIII8040-75 meters740 m/s
Russian 189510080-125 meters620 m/s

Conclusion – My Top Sniper Recommendation

While it does have some limitations like small magazine capacity, I can say without a doubt that the Gewehr M.95 is the best sniper for dishing out headshot-level damage at medium engagement distances in Battlefield 1. Every serious recon player should have this rifle in their arsenal!

Let me know if you have any other questions about dominating the battlefield with expert sniping. Happy hunting out there!

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