What style is Fallout?

The blockbuster Fallout video game series is considered one of the best examples of "atompunk" across any creative medium. But what exactly constitutes this retrofuturistic genre and how does Fallout exemplify it so strongly?

The Origins and Aspects of Atompunk

Atompunk is a retrofuturistic subgenre of sci-fi that got its start in the aftermath of World War II during the Atomic Age of the 1940s-60s. It combines mid-20th century design influences with nuclear and atomic themes:

– Mid-Century Modern aesthetic from the 1940s-60s like diners, concept cars

  • Analog mechanical technology rather than digital
  • Raygun Gothic architecture, Googie diners
  • Art Deco stylistic flourishes
  • Prominent atomic, nuclear technology themes

This style was very prominent in the optimistic futurism of 1950s popular science fiction, which envisioned a gleaming "world of tomorrow" driven by atomic power.

How Iconically "Atompunk" is the Fallout Series

The look, feel, and ethos of the blockbuster Fallout series is steeped from head to toe in quintessential atompunk style:


  • Post-nuclear war future as envisioned from mid-20th century perspective
  • Retrofuturistic remnants of the pre-war Atomic Age abound


  • Robotics, energy weapons, nuclear cars have analog mechanical aesthetic
  • Broadcast media like TV and radio still culturally prominent
  • Digital tech takes backseat to atomic and mechanical tech


  • Googie diners, art deco buildings, neoclassical structures
  • Retrofuturistic casinos, civic centers, rocket-like skyscrapers
  • Visual motifs like fins, antennas, atoms abound


  • Abundant mid-century modern furniture, appliances, concept cars
  • Stylized posters and billboards with art deco flourishes
  • 1940s-50s fashion silhouettes and fabrics

Cultural Legacy and Influence

The blockbuster success of the series has made it arguably the most recognizable modern atompunk work. Unlike quasi-medieval fantasy games, Fallout‘s intricately constructed retrofuturistic world transports players straight into atompunk‘s spirit.

It has directly inspired atompunk creations across mediums and introduced the genre to younger generations. Fallout‘s vision will likely influence atompunk style for years to come.

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