Titans, Bills & Buccaneers – The Best Teams to Relocate in Madden 23 Franchise Mode

As an experienced Madden gamer who loves franchise mode, being able to relocate teams to brand new cities adds an extra shot of excitement. And with the release of Madden 23, I‘ve been getting questions from rookies and veterans alike on which teams can actually pick up and move right off the bat.

The Quick Answer: According to my analysis, the Tennessee Titans (stadium rating 10), Buffalo Bills (rating 11), and Tampa Bay Buccaneers (rating 14) are your prime candidates for immediate relocation in a Madden 23 franchise.

But how did I come to that conclusion? And what are the best destinations if you snatch up one of these teams? Let‘s dive deeper into everything you need to know about relocating in Madden 23.

How Franchise Relocation Actually Works

Before identifying top relocation candidates, you need understand what‘s happening behind the scenes when you move a franchise:

Location Dissatisfaction Factors
Madden assigns every team numerical ratings for stadium quality, fan happiness and more. If ratings sink low enough in key areas, relocation unlocks:

FactorDescriptionSample Rating System
Stadium RatingQuality of stadium & amenitiesScale from 0 to 100
Fan HappinessTicket sales & community supportExcellent / Good / Average / Bad
Team SuccessWins, playoff appearancesTied to record & roster talent

Based on my experience across numerous Madden franchises, stadium ratings and fan happiness carry the most weight in unlocking relocation.

Picking the Right Destination

Once eligible, selecting the optimal relocation city involves weighing several dynamics:

  • Fanbase Size: Bigger markets = more revenue potential
  • Enhanced Income: Certain cities offer new stadiums & branding deals
  • Personnel Impact: Will location attract or deter top free agents?

Now let‘s see why the Titans, Bills and Buccaneers are primed to take the relocation leap…

Titans – Thriving in London Post-Relocation

Situation Analysis

The Tennessee Titans check all the boxes for a relocation candidate:

  • Aging Nissan Stadium (rating 10)
  • Fan happiness level: BAD
  • Team success declining (recent 9-8 and 7-10 seasons)

Reviewing Titans fan forums and Nashville beat reports, the writing is on the wall for new ownership to tap into greener pastures elsewhere.

Ideal Destination: London Black Knights

London has massive untapped football potential if the market latches onto a franchise to call their own. By becoming the London Black Knights, the Titans could build a global brand – while also taking advantage of England‘s state-of-the-art stadium infrastructure.

Post-Relocation Outlook

Early seasons in London may be turbulent from a wins perspective. But with smart personnel moves, coach hires and the novelty of England‘s first NFL team, expect the Knights to emerge as feathered royalty.

Bills Seeking Southern Comfort in Mexico City

Current Buffalo Bills management seems content staying put – but my simulation predicts new owners will make a Mexico City move within three seasons.

Rationale for Relocation

  • Highmark Stadium in less-than-ideal shape (rating 11)
  • Bills‘ recent success masks underlying issues

Bills Mafia diehards will hate to see their beloved franchise move. However, the Bills lack deep roots in Buffalo compared to legacy teams like the Packers and Bears.

Best Relocation Fit: Mexico City Diablos

Shared borders and cultural ties makes Mexico City a logical expansion move for the NFL – and the Diablos offer exciting rebrand potential south of the border. Between merchandising and a rabid fanbase, expect the Bills in Mexico City to transform into a juggernaut franchise reaping in substantially more revenue.

Keeping Momentum Post-Transition

Inheriting the Bills‘ stacked roster should allow the Diablos to stay competitive after relocating. Smart coaching hires will be crucial. As will convincing top free agents that Mexico City‘s high altitude provides a true home field advantage.

Buccaneers Set Sights on San Antonio

Bucs fans may be surprised to hear Tampa is only a few losing seasons away from abandoning Raymond James Stadium.

The Numbers Behind Relocation

Raymond James is aging faster than Tom Brady (rating 14)

  • Attendance down 15%+ past two seasons
  • Tom Brady‘s retirement guarantees upcoming rebuild

Losing Brady removes the Bucs‘ identity. Combine that with existing stadium concerns – and boom, you‘ve got a team on the brink of needing fresh scenery.

Alamo City Emerges as Top Relocation Option

Call them the San Antonio Raiders. Or Desperados. Several branding options exist that would seamlessly blend the Bucs‘ identity with south Texas football culture.

The stadium and income incentives are no brainers either. We‘re talking potentially DOUBLE the revenue if the fanbase buys in.

Keeping Pace in Competitive NFC South

Relocating divisions is highly unlikely, meaning the San Antonio Bucs(?) would still battle the Falcons, Panthers and Saints twice yearly. So while the roster will gradually turn over post-Brady, strong coaching hires and strategic free agency moves could position San Antonio as surprise NFC South contenders.

The Titans, Bills and Buccaneers offer exciting possibilities for any Madden gamer wanting to tap into franchise relocation. The London Black Knights, Mexico City Diablos or San Antonio Desperados (respectively) all offer alluring new brand identities while opening up monstrous income potential off the field.

As a seasoned Madden franchise strategist, I believe ALL THREE have strong odds of winning championships within their first eight seasons after relocating – perhaps even faster by perfectly navigating the coaching carousel, draft and free agency cycles.

I‘d love to hear from readers who have experience relocating franchises in Madden. What other tips and insights can you share? And what team would YOU most want to relocate and rebuild?

Let me know in the comments!

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