Goku‘s Current Power Tier Stands at a Godly 2-C Rating

After extensive analysis of Goku‘s capabilities in Dragon Ball Super, I believe his current power tier level ranks at a mighty 2-C classification. This puts him on a "Multi-Universal" scale – meaning he wields enough raw might to destroy and recreate multiple universal space-time continuums.

Tracing Goku‘s Journey to Multi-Universal Godhood

I‘ve followed Goku‘s journey closely across DBZ and DBS as an avid gaming commentator. It‘s incredible seeing his exponential growth in strength. To better understand his path to a 2-C tier rating, let‘s quickly trace his key power boosts over time:

TransformationPower Level GainTier Rating
Base Form3-B Multi-GalaxyAfter intense training
Super Saiyan God400x base form gain2-C Multi-Universe
Super Saiyan Blue50x SSG power-up2-C Multi-Universe
Ultra Instinct OmenNo precise number, divine power gain2-C Multi-Universe
Mastered Ultra InstinctRefined UI power, max output2-C Multi-Universe

Reviewing this progression gives us an idea of how exponentially Goku‘s energy output has expanded over time.

I estimate his effective power levels in Mastered UI form to be in the quadrillions range based on scaling from DBZ‘s Frieza Saga benchmarks. This doesn‘t factor his reality-warping abilities via god ki.

In any case, Goku has clearly earned Multi-Universal status warranting a 2-C placement.

The Divine Capabilities of a 2-C Being

Let‘s analyze what being 2-C tier truly signifies. As a passionate gaming power scaler, I‘ve extensively researched fictional ranking systems.

Beings with 2-C Multi-Universal classifications have extraordinary reality-shaping capabilities, including:

  • Destroying Multiple Universes – With raw energy or hax abilities, 2-C beings can obliterate universal space-time continuums across endless parallel realities.
  • Creating New Universes – Their powers allow molding entirely new cosmoses with unique laws of physics tailored to their preferences.
  • Manipulating Entire Multiversal Structures – They can edit universal constants or fundamentally reshape the overall structure of a multiverse.
  • Existing Outside Observable Reality – These entities stand outside and unfettered by the frameworks of universal reality constructs.

Goku has vividly demonstrated several of these traits, confirming he deserves the 2-C status. For instance, his clashes with Jiren dangerously shook the entire World of Void arena, threatening countless universes with destruction.

After extensive analysis, I believe Goku currently fulfills the criteria of the extremely mighty 2-C tier. But his capabilities may grow beyond this level too in the future!

Has Goku Truly Reached Godhood?

In my opinion, YES – Goku definitively qualifies for "God status" now. His mastery of various divine transformation states gives him access to spectacular god-level power.

Goku‘s god forms journey started with the Super Saiyan God ritual, opening his potential to absorb and control godly ki. This in turn let him intensely train to upgrade his Super Saiyan state into the divine Super Saiyan Blue level.

Finally, by frequently battling literal Gods of Destruction, Goku was able to activate and master the notorious reality-bending technique Ultra Instinct. This grants flawless attack/defense ability fueled by divine ki.

All said, Goku has clearly earned his stripes as a God level warrior. In many ways, I think his Saiyan biology propels his rapid evolution to outpace even actual deities from his universe!

Conclusion – Goku Reigns Supreme at 2-C God Tier!

In closing, with his newly gained Ultra Instinct form, Son Goku sits firmly in the 2-C tier bracket. This godly Multi-Universal ranking cements him as one of the most powerful characters within the vibrant Dragon Ball universe. And I bet this new ceiling is just a stepping stone to even greater heights!

As a gaming commentator and power scaling analyst, I‘ll definitely be closely tracking Goku‘s continuing ascendant journey. Each saga amazes me at how he breaks past supposed limitations. We‘ve probably just barely scratched the surface of his true divine potential!

Let me know your thoughts on Goku‘s 2-C status. I‘m eager to discuss this further with you!

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