Rosaria Stakes Her Claim in Genshin Impact‘s A-Tier

As a Genshin Impact player and content creator who loves optimizing characters, I‘ve tested out Rosaria extensively since her release. And I‘m here to report – she stands firmly in the A-tier amongst Genshin characters.

Why is Rosaria an A-Tier Unit?

Rosaria brings a stacked kit to the table:

  • Strong personal damage during her burst
  • Critical hit buffs for the entire team
  • Flexible cryo application for freeze and melt teams
  • High ascension stat in crit rate
  • Versatile team role as a sub-DPS or support

She may not boast the highest individual DPS potential, but her unique support abilities combined with her ease of acquisition as a 4-star cement her status as an A-tier option.

How Does Rosaria‘s Damage Stack Up?

While built well, Rosaria can pump out solid damage numbers taking advantage of amplifying reactions:

TalentScaling% Damage Bonus
Skill406.56%23.04% (crit)
Burst620%30.5% (crit), 200% (melt)

With Blizzard Strayer and consistent freeze or melt enables, her burst can unleash some meaty damage.

In AoE scenarios, her burst combined with amplifying reactions allows her to compete with premiere DPS characters in burst potential. Her role consolidates nicely into enabling big burst damage during her ultimate while providing cryo application in its large AoE the rest of the time.

Critical Hit Buffing

After using her burst, Rosaria grants the entire team an additional 12% CRIT Rate at Base Talent Level for 10s. This can enable teams to build less CRIT in substats and instead focus on CRIT DMG or other offensive stats for amplifying damage.

While hard to quantify in a tier list, this party-wide crit buff provides a unique damage amplification that few other characters can offer.

Cryo Support Capabilities

Rosaria‘s skill and burst hit enemies with 5 separate instances of cryo damage each over their duration. This amount of cryo application can enable both freeze and reverse melt comps consistently.

Compared to 4-star cryo supports like Kaeya or Chongyun, Rosaria‘s off-field cryo application uptime proves superior in testing. And she consolidates this with the rest of her versatile support kit.

Her talent ascension stat also scales crit rate, starting at 19.2% at level 60 up to 38.4% by level 90. This further alleviates needing to build as much crit in artifacts, opening up offensive stat potential.

Optimal Teams for Rosaria

While providing flexible team options, some compositions can best showcase Rosaria‘s capabilities:

Morgana Variants

The classic Ganyu, Mona/Kokomi, Venti/Kazuha + cryo unit remains one of the top meta compositions. By swapping Rosaria in that 4th slot, she can enable freeze while amplifying team damage:

  • Her burst ticks constantly proc freeze along with the hydro applier‘s bursts
  • Grouping enemies with Venti or Kazuha allows her burst to damage all clustered foes
  • Her crit buffs further scale the damage from this team
  • Can hold 4pc Instructor to buff EM for freeze-shattered burst damage

While Ganyu hogs field time for charged attacks, Rosaria‘s burst churns out great off-field DPS.

Reverse Melt

Rosaria has become a core piece of many reverse melt comps including:

  • Rosaria + Yanfei + Xiangling + Bennett
  • Rosaria + Diluc/Yoimiya + Xiangling + Bennett

As the cryo applier in these comps, she enables pyro characters to trigger melt consistently, making use of their higher multiplier reactions.

Her crit buffs also get fully leveraged to amplify the spikes from melt. And her personal damage scales exponentially thanks to the melt bonuses combining with her own crit from Blizzard Strayer.

While traditionally used in freeze teams, Rosaria‘s flexible cryo application works great for reaction comps as well.

How Does Rosaria Compare to Other Cryo Units?

Let‘s see how our girl fares up against the crowd of cryo characters:

RoleSub-DPS/SupportSub-DPS/SupportMain DPS CarryMain DPS Carry
Cryo ApplicationVery StrongStrongModerateStrong
UtilityCrit BuffsNoneCrowd ControlBurst Damage

The key advantage Rosaria has over 4-stars is her dual offensive and supportive capabilities. Meanwhile, she is easier to acquire and build than premiere 5-star carries.

Her cryo application stands on par with Ayaka while also having great synergy with Ayaka freeze comps. And she brings more utility than hypercarry options Ganyu and Ayaka who have greedier field time requirements.

Conclusion: Rosaria Sits Comfortably in the A-Tier

While Rosaria hasn‘t seen usage in as many theorycrafted "hypercarry" comps, her flexibility, damage, and rare utility make her a staple in the upper echelon amongst 4-star support characters.

She likely won‘t claim the crown as top meta DPS any time soon. But with more characters releasing constant power creep, Rosaria continues staking her place firmly among elite supports in the A-tier.

And I believe that spot looks comfortable on her for a long while to come. Especially for those looking for a versatile, accessible cryo option to amplify some deadly team comps without breaking pity.

What has your experience been using Rosaria? Where would you rank our beloved polearm nun? Let me know in the comments!

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