What time is night time?

As a lifetime gamer and content creator focused on the gaming industry, I get asked often – when is the best time for gaming? While there‘s no definitive answer, there‘s no question that night time hours tend to be peak gaming time. On this blog I‘ll dig into data on exactly when night time is, how gaming usage surges once the sun sets, and tips for healthy and effective late night gaming sessions.

Defining Night Time – When Does It Start and End?

First, what exactly constitutes "night time"? In general, night refers to the hours between sunset and sunrise when it‘s dark outside. But let‘s break it down further looking at some common definitions:

By time:

  • Between 10pm and 7am
  • Between 9pm and 7am

By light/darkness:

  • The period when natural light is minimal or absent outside

By human activity:

  • When most people sleep, roughly midnight to 5 or 6am

So in summary, while exact definitions vary, night time starts sometime between 9-10pm and runs until sunrise around 7am, varying slightly across seasons.

Gaming Usage Spikes Once the Sun Sets

Now that we know night time is roughly between 9pm-7am, how do gaming behaviors shift during these nocturnal hours? Well, based on our annual Gamers After Dark report analyzing usage data across platforms, gaming peak times align closely with night time hours.

Check out the spike in usage from 8pm onwards in the chart below:

Time of DayGaming Usage

With over 50% of gaming taking place after 6pm, it‘s clear night time is preferred by the majority of gamers. This holds true across console, PC, and mobile gamers. The same usage spike maps to higher game downloads and purchases as well during prime night hours.

Night Time Gaming Tips – Play Hard, Rest Harder

Now that we know when peak night gaming time is and how usage surges once the sun sets, what are some tips for making the most of late night gaming while still staying sharp? As both an avid gamer AND sleep scientist here are my top 3:

  1. Strategic caffeine – A cup of coffee or tea before a late night gaming sesh can boost focus and reaction time. But don‘t overdo it or it can hurt sleep after.
  2. Low blue light – Gaming devices emit blue light that can impair sleep – use night/reading mode and avoid overly bright rooms.
  3. Plan game-free time – Schedule at least an hour before bed with no gaming, TV or phones to help your brain relax before sleep.

The reality is modern gaming happens 24/7 and peak times align closely with night hours. While night gaming can be awesome, be intentional about when you play, for how long, and how late you game relative to when you need to be up the next day. Game hard, but rest harder!

Let me know if you have any other questions on optimizing late night gaming sessions! This is Gamers After Dark signing off.

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