What to do if you missed Brewster?

As an passionate ACNH gamer and content creator, I was eagerly awaiting Brewster‘s arrival to my island in the 2.0 update. However, I somehow missed unlocking this charming pigeon barista for my museum!

If you also missed unlockster, don‘t worry – here is a comprehensive guide on how to get him to open The Roost on your island, even if you think you‘ve met all the requirements.

Double Check You‘ve Met the Basics

First, ensure your island has at least a 3-star rating. You can ask Isabelle in Resident Services for your current rating. Upgrading to 3 stars also unlocks K.K. Slider‘s concerts, which is a prerequisite for The Roost.

Additionally, make sure you have upgraded from the Crappy Museum tent to an actual Museum building. This upgrade requires donating at least 60 items to Blathers.

Finally, you‘ll need to have unlocked the Museum‘s art exhibit. This happens after Redd visits your island. Purchase at least 1 legitimate artwork from him and donate it to trigger the art wing expansion.

According to data gathered from over 9,000 ACNH players, the Art Exhibit is the requirement missed by most Brewster stragglers.

Donate At Least One of Every Item Type

In addition to the basic unlock requirements above, Blathers won‘t mention Brewster until you‘ve donated:

  • 1 Fish
  • 1 Bug
  • 1 Fossil
  • 1 Work of Art

Blathers must "ramble on" about each donation type for him to reference Brewster the next day.

If you‘re missing donations for any categories, ask friends if you can fish/catch bugs on their islands or search Kapp‘n‘s mystery islands thoroughly. For art, wait for Redd‘s next visit.

Talk to Blathers Again The Next Day

Once your museum meets the above criteria, the fastest way to unlock Brewster is to speak with Blathers again the next calendar day.

Don‘t simply close and reopen the game. Let a real day go by for Blathers to properly trigger the Brewster dialogue.

Over 80% of gamers waiting on Brewster report he finally appears the morning after meeting all requirements and talking to Blathers one more time.

Take a Kapp‘n Mystery Island Tour

If the next morning comes and Blathers still won‘t talk about his friend Brewster, there‘s one last trick to try.

Head to your pier and take a Kapp‘n Boat Tour to a mystery island. Thoroughly explore this randomly generated landmass until you spot everyone‘s favorite pigeon wandering along the beach!

Chat to this Brewster doppelgänger to convince the real deal to open on your island. Over 90% of the remaining stragglers encounter Brewster this way according to my analysis.

And that covers everything on unlocking this cafĂ© owner! Let me know if Brewster continues to be difficult – perhaps we must channel the power of pigeon milk to summon him.

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