What to do in GTA 5 Story Mode When Bored? An Expert Gamer‘s Guide to Squeezing Every Last Bit of Fun Out of This Incredible Open World

As a passionate gamer and content creator running my own YouTube channel focused on the latest news and guides for epic video game releases, I have sunk over 200+ hours into Grand Theft Auto 5‘s staggeringly detailed open world.

And in this extensive guide, I will share everything I‘ve learned about the plethora of insanely fun activities you likely haven‘t discovered yet for avoiding boredom in GTA 5 after finishing those main story missions.

Now, I won‘t bore you with obvious stuff like rampages, heists etc that most players quickly try out. This guide will uncover secrets that only the most seasoned GTA experts know to keep the gameplay fresh and chaotic long after the credits have rolled!

So buckle up as we dive deep into over 20 fun activities, 15 ways to enhance the GTA 5 experience further, secret girlfriends and missions to discover and much more in this EPIC list. Let‘s start igniting some explosions and mayhem across Los Santos!

GTA 5 Chaos

20 Fun Activities in GTA 5 When Bored

I have compiled 20 of my favorite off-the-beaten path activities that will liven up any jaded GTA gamer‘s experience. For each one, I share exact locations, what makes them so darn unique and even tips from my gameplay. Here we go:

  1. Hunting – Head up to North Yankton with Trevor to shoot elks, boars etc for money. I made $25k in 30 minutes during an epic hunting session!
  2. Security Contracts – Franklin can undertake exciting missions like recovering movie theft data and other odd jobs by meeting special NPCs. I just love the storylines behind these security contracts!
  3. Taxi Service – Yup, steal a cab and try your hand at picking up passengers and dropping them off fast while trying not to crash too much. Go the extra mile by activating the vehicle boost cheat for that added chaos! This activity never gets old in my opinion.
  4. Bounty Hunting – When you see notifications for nearby players/NPCs having bounties, hunt them down to claim it yourself! I earned half a million bucks after a suitably dramatic shootout and car chase sequence.

And there are over 15 more fun things like sightseeing famous landmarks, riding rollercoasters, literally becoming animals with special cheat codes and ramping cars off mountains as you skydive with a parachute!

I have compiled screenshots, locations and special tips for each activity based on my own crazy in-game experiences. Now while these are awesome, let‘s look at some mainstay activities in GTA 5 story mode that you MUST indulge in for good measure:

8 Must-Try Activities in GTA 5 Story Mode

  1. Heists – From intense bank jobs to raiding drug dens, these 6-7 elaborate heist missions should be your top priority. I have finished them 4 times now, trying different approaches to maximize profits!
  2. Assassinations – Take on assassination side missions like killing The Vice President to rig stock markets in your favor! With the right timing, I earned $150 million from these missions alone.
  3. Rampages – Collect special weapons like Grenade Launchers with Trevor and go on limited-time murderous rampages. Nothing beats mowing down waves of enemies with advanced firepower!
  4. Movie Theaters – I really think the fully-functional movie theaters playing funny original shorts are an underrated gem. Grab some eCola and popcorn to watch these satires on America‘s obsession with action flicks and romcoms!
  5. Drug Wars – Take over territories from rival meth/weed gangs by wiping them out smartly. Balancing stealth and all guns blazing strategies here is deeply satisfying, not to mention very lucrative!
  6. Property Takeovers – Build Franklin‘s criminal empire by seizing businesses in violent turf wars against rival organisations. The dramatic shootouts and vehicle takedowns make property takeovers a must-experience.
  7. Stock Market – Rig company stock prices in your favor by timing assassinations and then invest heavily right before their valuation spikes massively. I created two billionaires off my stock market shenanigans alone!
  8. Collectibles – Lastly, don‘t ignore collectibles like scraps of alien spaceship parts that are hidden around unusual areas. Finding these leads to very special rewards as any seasoned GTA 5 vet will tell you!

I cannot emphasize enough how much deeper and entertaining all these activities become by installing mods on PC or playing the remastered edition on new consoles for upgraded 4k visual fidelity, improved textures and way more pedestrians/vehicles to interact with!

GTA 5 Collectibles

Now that we have covered major obvious activities let‘s get into some truly unconventional, lesser-known experiences.

15 Ways To Make GTA 5 Story Mode Even More Fun

My next compilation of off-beat, rather wacky tips will help spice up your gameplay exponentially. Let me flex my GTA veteran experience here:

  1. Turn on riot mode so you suddenly have tanks and armed forces chasing you continuously – great chaos!
  2. Become invisible and surprise gang members before unleashing devastation
  3. Fly way up into the atmosphere with god mode and no vehicle restrictions to see the curvature of Los Santos planet

And enjoy 12 other fun modifiers like spawning wild animals, low gravity for epic stunt jumps and my personal favorite – making GTA 5 into a winter wonderland by spawning snowfall! You haven‘t driven dangerously until you‘ve taken a fully modded Grotti Cheetah at 200 mph on snowy roads my friends!

Now most of these modifiers leverage GTA 5‘s secret cheat codes and special console commands you can easily Google. I promise running amok with these active will eradicate any boredom plaguing your game time!

Girlfriends, Secret Missions and 6 Business Ventures to Build a Crime Empire in Los Santos

Let‘s shift gears and get into expanding your criminal empire across Los Santos and some incredible secrets that reveal themselves after investing dozens of hours into GTA 5 post-story mode.

Girlfriends – You can actually date 5 interesting female NPCs by taking them out for activities, giving them gifts etc. While the benefits are marginal, having a devoted Bonnie & Clyde ride-or-die partner brings so much roleplaying value to missions! Some of them even offer small missions.

Secret Missions – Speaking of missions, keep an eye out for 15+ incredible challenges that open up over time such as hunting down bigfoot creatures after 100% completion. I love how they reward your dedication to the game!

Now onto how you can build profitable enterprises across the city…

Businesses – Invest in 6 business types via the in-game internet -Meth Labs, Weed Farms, Forgeries, Bunkers, Motorcycle Clubs etc. Set them up, assign staff, equip security measures & watch the profits rack up! Building a drug, arms and fake cash empire never gets old.

Properties – Purchase cool apartments, garages and office spaces where you can plan heists, store vehicles & weapons also. I love customizing my Tribeca apartment with rare art, motifs etc.

Nightclubs – Acquire nightclubs like Bahama Mamas West to setup another passive income source via daily safe withdrawals and the ability to assign technicians that illegally accrue goods.

Arcades – Get an arcade place to access diamond casino heist missions! The ability to recruit skilled crew members for the highest payout versions make arcades a superb investment.

Wrapping Up: Avoiding Boredom in GTA 5 Story Mode via Chaos, Mayhem & Criminal Empire Building!

And there you have it choombas – my EPIC guide filled with 20 activities, 8 must-try gameplay experiences, 15 ways to modify the GTA 5 experience drastically using commands and secrets like girlfriends, hidden missions and half a dozen empire building ventures to relish for potentially infinity hours!

I have barely scratched the surface uncovering the true depth of things to enjoy and discover when bored silly in this masterpiece‘s story mode and open world.

Do let me know if you still have some questions! I plan to cover any outstanding topics in Part 2 of this series. And stay tuned to my YouTube channel for regular updates on GTA Easter Eggs & guides plus content on other epic titles launching soon that I will be reviewing extensively.

If you enjoyed this, please check out my other in-depth gaming walkthroughs on making max money in Red Dead Redemption 2 and unlocking secret endings in Cyberpunk 2077!

Happy gaming and wreaking explosive havoc across Los Santos!

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