Westland Survival: An Online RPG Wild West Survival Game

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I love diving deep into the latest video game releases across platforms. One recent mobile title that caught my attention is Westland Survival – a free-to-play online RPG survival game for iOS and Android with a very unique Wild West setting.

In this article, I‘ll provide an expert overview of Westland Survival‘s core features and gameplay to help players understand the type of experience it offers.

Key Gameplay Elements

Westland Survival is best categorized as:

  • An online multiplayer RPG – Players can interact with friends and others, join clans for bonuses
  • A survival/crafting game – Scavenging, hunting, base building, and resource management
  • An open world action-adventure – Exploring a sprawling map with quests and enemies

It blends these major genres into one Wild West sandbox package.

Multiplayer & Social Features

While you can play solo, Westland Survival encourages online interaction. Form an in-game clan to get help from dozens of allies. Complete special co-op missions for rare loot. Customize your clan‘s emblem colors and patterns together. Chat using a built-in messenger system or voice chat. Join Discord servers to organize group strategies. The social components create bonds beyond just survival.

Survival Gameplay

Like most survival games, you start with minimal equipment and stats. Build up your home ranch from scratch by chopping trees, mining stone, collecting fiber, hunting wildlife, and looting abandoned carts or buildings. Craft better weapons, production buildings, defensive walls/traps, and clothing to protect yourself from the harsh wilderness.

Carefully manage limited backpack space and ration food/water intake. Trek cautiously to farther northern zones to find exotic creature parts worth trading.

With exposure, malnutrition, injuries, and hostile wildlife posing deadly threats, staying alive is a challenge. But with clever resource planning and combat tactics, your odds improve.

Character Progression & RPG Growth

Defeating enemies, finishing quests, and reaching new player levels will earn you XP to spend on attributes like:

  • Strength – Increases melee damage
  • Endurance – More maximum health
  • Agility – Faster movement speed
  • Charisma – Better clan bonuses
  • Intellect – Boosts ranch production rates
  • Luck – Higher loot chances

You‘ll also learn specialized combat skills like striking multiple enemies at once or performing executions. And blueprints allow you to craft distinct weapon/armor types with rare attributes – provided you collect the right materials.

This gradual power growth loop gives a long-term sense of progression.

Story Campaign & Side Missions

The main story questline has you assisting your settlement‘s leader, Sheriff Duncan, in building up the remote frontier town called Porterville. Help establish vital resource production buildings so the enclave can become self-sustaining. Rescue kidnapped allies. Transport supplies between regions. Retrieve stolen tools and hardware.

These multi-part narrative missions grant you permits to unlock new crafting stations, expand your ranch, and travel to more biomes. The tale provides purpose beyond just daily survival.

Dozens of side missions also exist. For instance, eliminate 30 dangerous wolves troubling nearby camps in exchange for a stash of iron ingots. Deliver turpentine vials to an eccentric doctor seeking unusual chemicals. Free captive merchants from bandit cages to build trade connections. The optional adventures provide history about the area.

Is It Pay-To-Win?

A common question regarding free mobile games – does Westland Survival let paying players gain unfair advantages over non-payers with microtransactions?

Fortunately, the monetization seems fairly reasonable. No content or gear is exclusively paywalled, though buyers can speed up build timers or resources gains slightly. Some convenient buffs improve loot chances and XP earnings temporarily – but most equipment still depends on skill-based gameplay.

While the energy system limiting grind sessions can be bypassed, runaway advantages are kept in check. And earning premium gold nuggets through standard play to trade for goods is feasible as well.

Who Is Westland Survival For?

Westland Survival‘s blend of mobile-friendly online survival RPG gameplay gives it fairly wide appeal, but will be enjoyed most by gamers who:

  • Appreciate methodical resource gathering and crafting depth
  • Are intrigued by historical Wild West settings with frontier towns
  • Want multiplayer club cooperation features
  • Prefer action combat/exploration over farming sims
  • Seek long-term RPG character building

Casual players may still find the survival demands too harsh and inventory micromanagement too restrictive. But there are difficulty options to cater the challenge rating, and the visual style softens the grittiness.

Fans of hardcore shooters can expect simplified mobile controls and graphics too. Yet there‘s enough looting, customizing weapons/gear for statuses, capturing enemy outposts, and racking up kill counts to appeal to action fans.

Game Stats & Player Count Data

To further demonstrate Westland Survival‘s popularity, here are some app store metrics:

Total Downloads

  • Over 10 million on Google Play Store
  • Over 9 million downloads on Apple App Store

All-Time Global Revenue Estimate

  • $90+ million USD

Player Base Size

  • Estimated 5+ million monthly active players

This data comes from tracking services like SensorTower and AppMagic. For a mobile game to sustain multi-million monthly users and near $100 million in earnings over 4+ years signifies strong recurring appeal.

The active Discord community boasting 250,000+ members also shows players stick around beyond just initial installs.

Final Verdict

To conclude this expert analysis into defining Westland Survival‘s game type – it‘s primarily an:

Online multiplayer RPG survival game

With open world exploration and base building mechanics letting you carve out an existence on the frontier as a customized cowboy/cowgirl.

The mashup of mobile action combat, extensive crafting trees, social clan features, player housing expansion, and narrative quests provides noteworthy depth given the free asking price. Alleviating some frustrating inventory limitations could enhance accessibility further. But Westland Survival remains one of the most intriguing survival RPG experiences available for on-the-go play.

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