What is a female horse called?

As a lifelong gamer and horse enthusiast, few things delight me more than guiding a majestic virtual mare across lush digital landscapes. But with complex terms like stallion, gelding, and foal used in games, conversations around the stable can get confusing fast!

So let‘s clearly answer the question once and for all – what is a female horse called?

Female Horses are Mares – But There‘s More Nuance to Their Classification

The fundamental term for an adult female horse age 4 years and older is a mare. This contrasts directly with males:

  • Stallion – Adult male horse over 4 years old
  • Gelding – Castrated male horse of any age

So in most fantasy games, that impressive war stallion or gelding pack mule has a different classification to equally strong mares.

But it‘s not quite that simple. A mare‘s age, breeding status, genetics and temperament can influence her classification too…

Let‘s break down the intricate world of mare terminology every gamer should know!

Gotta Start Somewhere! The History of Calling Mares "Mares"

While horse terms evolve over gaming generations, mare has ancient roots as the name for an adult female horse. Linguistics experts reveal:

  • Old English called mares "mīere, mere or mȳre" by 900 AD
  • This evolved from Old Norse word "fylja" for female foals
  • It‘s related to French "fille" and means "young girl" in modern English slang

So next time you‘re questing in historical worlds, keep an eye out for miere or myre roaming the countryside!

And in fantasy realms, remember a mare is not just any old female horse – she represents power, freedom and warrior energy!

Frisky Fillies vs Rowdy Colts – What We Call Young Horses Under 4 Years Old

Horses don‘t automatically become mares or stallions at 18! Like most creatures, they pass through immature phases first:

  • Filly – Female young horse under 4 years old
  • Colt – Male young horse under 4 years old

And with only around 58% of new horses born female, fillies are rarer than feisty colts.

But what lively fillies and colts lack in physical maturity, they make up for in spirit!

Watch that plucky filly go!
Who left the colt‘s gate open?!

So in your gaming adventures, remember…

If they‘re brimming with youth but not bearing armor or riders into battle, you‘re likely looking at a foolish foal, energetic colt or free-spirited young filly!

From Broodmares to Riding Mares – Classifying Mature Mares

Not all mares are created equal! While we categorize female horses over 4 years old under one term, a mare‘s role and pedigree results in specialized names:

Broodmares – Breeding Mares With Desirable Genetics

Broodmares pass down strong traits, abilities and coats to future generations. That‘s crucial in horse games and simulations!

Top broodmares often sell for millions in real-world horse markets too. In 2022, elite mare Gorgeous Noora was auctioned for over $10 million thanks to her impeccable breeding potential.

In fantasy games, think legendary mares like Rapidash or Epona – their genetics shape future champions!

Riding Mares, Racemares and More

Not all mares become full-time mothers! Once a mare passes her 4th birthday, she hits her athletic prime and can be:

  • Riding Mares – Trained for recreation or competition
  • Racemares – Entered into high-speed track events
  • War Mares – Ridden into fantasy battles

So in RPG adventures, if you spot an agile mare leaping over logs or a heavily armored one charging into the fray…they could be destined for marehood greatness!

From Foal to Mare – The Complete Life Cycle of Female Horses

We can‘t discuss mares without covering their complete life progression:

Foal (0-1 years) – Newborn male OR female horse. Neither fillies nor colts yet!
Filly (1-4 years) – Young female horse.
Mare (4+ years) – Mature female horse ready for breeding/work.

Tracking this cycle is essential in horse breeding simulators – but has story impact too!

Remember Lady from The Lion King? We watched her life tragically cut short before becoming the next great mare…😢

So if you‘re playing a game with horse lifespans, keep an eye out for those precious fillies. Guide them safely to marehood and beyond!

Level Up Your Horse Game with Mare Mastery!

I don‘t know about you, but I‘m itching to saddle up my favorite mare and set out on new quests armed with this knowledge!

Understanding terms like broodmare, filly and stallion makes me feel closer to the majestic creatures I admire in games. And I can better support their growth cycles too.

So fellow gamers…now you‘ve got insider expertise on what we call female horses! Whether you‘re raising fillies in simulations or battling legendary mythic mares, I hope I‘ve handed you the reins to speak "horse" fluently.

If you‘ve got any other equine questions, I‘m always happy to chat horses and games! Just whinny at me in the comments below. 😉


  • https://www.billingsfarm.org › … › Horse-Terminology
  • https://www.britannica.com › animal › mare

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