What was Bloodborne inspired by?

As an avid fan, I‘m endlessly fascinated by the creative genesis behind Bloodborne. When we excavate all the visible and subtle influences woven through Yharnam‘s fabric, it becomes clear this masterpiece stands on multiple pillars:

At its core, Bloodborne derives primary inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft‘s cosmic horror stories, Bram Stoker‘s vampire classic Dracula, European Gothic architecture, and real-world locations across Central/Eastern Europe.

Let‘s put Bloodborne under the microscope and analyze how each of these elements left an imprint, starting with…

Lovecraftian Horrors Lurking in the Shadows

The preeminent force guiding Bloodborne is undoubtedly H.P. Lovecraft‘s terrifying Cthulhu mythos tales. Upon first glimpsing deranged mobs, otherworldly creatures, and reality-breaking revelations, Lovecraft fans will instantly recognize his themes.

In fact, over 8.4 million Bloodborne units have been sold to date, indicating Miyazaki expertly channeled Lovecraft’s allure. Many of Bloodborne’s most compelling areas channel Lovecraft’s brand of cosmic fear:

  • The enigmatic Great Ones oozing ominous mystique are clear analogues to Lovecraft’s unknowable ancient beings.
  • Trekking through the Eldritch truth-revealing Nightmare Frontier parallels Lovecraft’s human characters contending with forces beyond comprehension.
  • Even the blood ministration’s mind-shattering effects reflect Lovecraft’s recurring theme of characters losing sanity when granted terrible epiphanies.

As we fight blood-crazed hordes and peer towards unseen higher planes, Bloodborne’s debt to Lovecraft becomes undeniable. The way it manifests love for the iconic author is a boon to any horror connoisseur.

Sinking Teeth into Gothic Vampire Fiction

Past Lovecraft, Bloodborne showcases equal reverence for seminal Gothic horror and vampire classics—Bram Stoker‘s Dracula chief among them. Both transfuse an aura of Victorian dread into their words.

Bloodborne‘s eerie castles, deranged aristocracy, and focus on blood prove Miyazaki studied Stoker closely. We can even draw direct parallels between characters:

Dracula‘s Lucy WestenravsCainhurst‘s Annalise
Turned into a bloodthirsty monsterMade a queen after consuming vileblood

Beyond narrative aspects, Bloodborne captures the blend of sensuality and terror inherent to vampire fiction through its off-kilter Hunter outfits and blood healing mechanics. This shows Miyazaki balancing respect and subversion when incorporating Gothic horror.

European Architecture Offering Ominous Grandeur

While story DNA builds Bloodborne‘s muscles, real-world European bricks and mortar erect its skeleton. One glimpse of Yharnam’s sprawling Gothic vistas proves Miyazaki sent his team on an architectural tour for reference:

In interviews, Miyazaki confirms structures like Milan’s Duomo di Milano directly shaped environments such as the Grand Cathedral. Exploring the stone beasts and gargoyle adornments dotting Bloodborne, his fascination with European Gothic design rings clear.

Few games deliver such meticulously-crafted worlds where backdrops inspire equal awe as enemies. For atmosphere alone, Bloodborne will eternally be appreciated.

Nightmarish Versions of Real-World Locations

Not content with architectural inspiration, Bloodborne reimagines entire regions like Transylvania and Prague as deranged nightmare reflections. The way familiar sights get distorted through Miyazaki’s lens proves equally genius:

As we uncover Bloodborne’s geography, direct analogues revealing themselves prove delightful:

  • Cainhurst Castle and Hemwick Charnel Lane evoke rural Romania
  • Pthumerian labyrinths filled with torture devices mirror medieval Czech dungeons
  • The Healing Church’s ruling presence echoes historical European religious institutions

Miyazaki fuses real-world touchstones with fiction, demonstrating intricate world-building prowess. Few games stay etched into gamer consciousness quite like Bloodborne. Dissecting its varying influences makes it simple to comprehend why.

Bloodborne – A Melting Pot of Creative Inspirations

Peeling back Bloodborne’s skin reveals a sum greater than its numerous inspirational parts. Hidetaka Miyazaki blends Lovecraftian otherworldliness, Gothic sensibilities, imposing architecture, and historical European locations into a masterful whole.

The way Bloodborne manifests its influences may be its most impressive creative feat. These building blocks coagulate into an open-world survival horror quest that consistently unnerves and awes players in equal measure.

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